From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
This is an intense and potent word by Ben Lim...but it's also very encouraging watching what God is doing in the nations...the shakings will continue and increase for sure!
As you read through this now word, I want you to pray for China, especially the persecuted Church in China. More than ever, they need our prayers!
I agree with's time for a great move of God to pour out in the Asian nations! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

The Defeat of the Red Dragon
Recently, I saw in the spirit a vision of a red dragon. I believe that this stands for the demonic and it also stands for Leviathan. I also believe that this means there is a great victory and exposure coming against the "communist" spirit of China and all of the evil, socialistic agendas of this hour. China is about to be set free and emancipated in a great way!
The Red Scare
Just as it was in the Cold War with the Red Scare in the 1940s and 1950s, we are entering into days of vast similarities. We must be able to stand our ground and renounce the ways of the world, and even the ways of the false perception of comfort and ideologies of having more of a one-world order or a controlled one-way of life and living. This is sheer evil; it is pure domination, control and tyranny that is trying to creep in. The Lord of hosts did not cause this agenda and we will see a removal and a "boomerang" take place in Jesus' name.
The Spirit of Leviathan
The spirit of Leviathan is an ancient evil principality. It has been lingering around in the waters of the earth for far too long. Today, I believe we are seeing the spirit of Leviathan move and manifest in many different ways; destroying nations, economies, organizations, families, and even tearing apart individuals. This spirit connives, deceives, controls, restricts, manipulates, destroys, and brings painful division. It brings chaos and confusion, boa-constricting the life out of people, destinies, dreams, regions, and organizations.
The spirit of Leviathan takes on the manifestation of the snake or the "Deceiver." It is a wicked and evil cold-blooded spirit that wraps and coils itself around anointed men and women of God to try and cover and muzzle their mouths, eventually choking their throats from fresh air, fresh revelation, fresh manna, and the fresh Word.
The spirit of Leviathan is not only a snake on the earth but is also a sea serpentine creature, like the Loch Ness monster or ancient sea faring legends. It is a sea serpent that coils itself around the economic trade waters of the earth. It manipulates the flow of the water and tries to bring terror to the wealth of the seas. Storms are caused by this spirit. Hurricanes are caused by this principality, and we as the Church must be "weather warriors" and release full dominion through the air and the seas.
"In that day the Lord with His hard and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisting serpent, and He will slay the dragon that is in the sea." (Isaiah 27:1)
Authority Over the Waters of Trade
The Church must rise up as the Air Force One in prophetic intercession. And we must also deploy the Ekklesia as the Navy SEALS over the waters, to have authority over the trading currents of the seas. (Photo via Flickr)
"And the men marveled, saying, 'What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey Him?'" (Matthew 8:27)
There is a terrorizing war against our trade, our economy, our future, and our peace, and the spirit of Leviathan will stop at nothing until it devours all things. It must be bound and it will be destroyed.
The China Revival and Revolution
China is in the heart of God and we are seeing a great rise of a new breed of Believers all throughout China. There is a greater revival that is taking place. There is a fresh anointing of apostolic leadership coming upon the Chinese revivalists and revolutionists.
These Chinese Christians have paid a great price to have wisdom and insight to withstand the spirit of communism and its tyrannical control. And not only that, but the Chinese Church has... (continue reading)