From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I was so encouraged as I watched and read this word by Christy Johnston.
What I mean by "watched this word" is that Christy put a fantastic video together where she spoke about this very word and it was incredibly moving...and we rushed it out to our readers (click here to view).
Now, I want you to slowly and carefully read through this article below by Christy, and pray and seek the Lord about the 5 strategies that will help you ride the waves of awakening He is bringing upon the earth. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

I want to share a vision I had a little while ago that I didn't immediately feel released to share until now. It speaks of five specific events – two that we are already in the middle of, and three that are to come. I also want to share some prayer strategies for you, so I encourage you to read to the end.
The Tsunami
In the vision, I was standing on the shoreline of a great ocean. The waves were calm and relatively still as I stood at the water's edge, with gentle whispers of wind and soft waves lapping on the sand over my feet. I heard the Lord say, "Keep watch on the horizon." My eyes remained fixed on the horizon, which was unchanged for a time, but then, suddenly, I began to feel a violent shaking beneath the ground that I was standing on and the waters began to recede rapidly at my feet. I was shaken but did not lose my footing through this. As the waters receded, it felt like a mighty suction, like a strong vacuum sucking up the waters and sand all around me. Surprised, I looked down and immediately recognized that this was a sign of an incoming tsunami.
I heard His voice again, "Stand still. Keep watch on the horizon." I felt no fear or sense of unease, but rather, I felt excited anticipation. I glanced again at my feet as I couldn't help but feel that the waters had been drawn back so drastically that there was no residue of moisture left, and I could no longer feel sand, but instead I felt bedrock beneath where I stood. I then noticed different sand crabs and other bottom feeders began to emerge out of their underground burrows and scurry away in a quick and terrifying movement.
I then heard His voice a third time say, "Stand still. Keep watch on the horizon." My eyes adjusted again to the horizon but still I did not see anything; however, I heard something...a new sound I wasn't familiar with; a thunderous roar so loud that the sand around me began to shake, but I remained firm on the bedrock. And then I saw it...a tremendous barrel of water was surging over the horizon and pummeling toward the beach. I could see not just one barrel, but many that subsequently followed the first.
I then heard His voice a fourth time, "Stand still. Brace for impact." I began to brace myself for its arrival, but not with the typical response for an incoming tsunami by either cowering or running away. Instead, I positioned my feet firmly on the bedrock and spread my arms wide. As I dug my feet in deep, I could feel water again, and it began to spring up from the ground underneath me. It gushed up rapidly out of the bedrock like an underground waterfall that was bursting forth wildly. The water then surrounded me as a pool.
As the mighty waves neared land, I was met with a sudden rush of wind. It was a ferocious wind, but strangely, it didn't push me over but surrounded me, whipping up a whirlpool in the pool of water I was now immersed in.
As incredibly strong as it was, it was a joyful feeling; I felt like a child on a ride. Mere moments following the wind, the tsunami of water hit, but the pool of water that I was standing in was like a shield all around me, and as if it was alive. It surrounded me and carried me to the top of the wave, causing me to stand and ride atop the powerful breaker of water as it surged inland. As it tumbled toward the land, I watched as it engulfed mountains effortlessly and swallowed them completely. I looked down and noticed countless thousands had been swept up in these waves. They were not drowning but were being carried upon the great and mighty waters.
I want to first say that while tsunamis speak of destruction, I felt in this vision that there was no sense of 'incoming doom' or 'destruction' toward the people of the earth, but rather, I felt the destruction was implied against the enemy, which I will share about. I broke down this vision and studied verses that applied to it and found that there are five events the Lord showed me, with five strategies of direction that will see us through the coming weeks, months and even years (I say this with hopeful expectation and not incoming doom.)
1. The Shaking and the Rock
I believe the shaking implies... (continue reading)