Supplies Dangerously Low Dear Friend, Israel's Red Cross organization, MAGEN DAVID ADOM, is leading the nation's defense against the coronavirus. These selfless men and women answer every emergency call, test virus patients, and respond to every medical emergency. MAGEN DAVID ADOM has received over 82,000 emergency calls in one day, the highest number of calls in the history of Israel. That is 1,300% more calls than a "normal" day. In order to handle the unprecedented call volumes, the main dispatch center has overflowed into tents in parking lots. Vacant school buildings have been repurposed into dispatch centers. Businesses have given their office space to be converted into call centers. And much more. Nothing like this has ever been seen. The number of coronavirus cases has drastically risen with the unimaginable call volumes. And the death toll continues to rise—Friend, please pray for the people of Israel, the medical workers, and everyone everywhere affected by this horrible sickness.  MAGEN DAVID ADOM is not just on the front lines defending Israel against this virus, it is the front line. There is no one else. There is no backup plan. It was appointed by the government to this task, not just because it is the best for the job, but because there is no one else who can do it. And now its supplies are running out — MAGEN DAVID ADOM needs protective gloves, personal protection suits, portable oxygen tanks, respirator masks and much more. These resources are being expended at alarming rates due to the crushing demand to care for the sick. - Portable oxygen cylinders cost $400
- Cases of 20 personal protection suits cost $120
- Packs of 30 disposable respirator masks cost $40
- Boxes of 100 specialized protective gloves cost $10
These items are not just needed, they are desperately needed, to save patients and to protect healthcare workers around the clock. If you can do anything, please do something right now. Please give as generously as you can.  |