From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
In this time of severe change, are we going to give in to the fear of this pandemic or put our trust in God...believing something far greater than we can imagine is coming out of this?
I don't know about you, but I want to believe in the latter...that God is about to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can ask or think...through all of this.
Read this awesome prophetic encouragement from Diane Lake and choose to trust God and that His wave of fresh healing is coming upon the earth. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

Better Than Before
Many prophetic words have been released since the coronavirus, but one by Bishop Bill Hamon of Christian International especially resonated with me. In March he prophesied, "This time of coronavirus God is using to check us out to see if we are going to maintain our faith, be brave and courageous like Joshua and Caleb. Those who manifest the right spirit and attitude, God is choosing them to be the ones to manifest His glory in the new awakening!"
Recently, this word was quickened to me again. Not only is Bishop Hamon one of the most accurate and proven prophetic voices today, but I, too, have sensed the Lord is watching His saints.
2 Chronicles 16:9 (NKJV) says: "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him..." Perhaps, especially now, the Lord is carefully observing us.
I've heard the Lord say, "There's hope out there." Just as there has to be that slight connection to spring, or else none of us would make it through a long, hard winter, the Lord wants to breathe fresh life into areas where you've experienced loss. Like a dormant plant that sprouts new growth at the first sign of spring, the Lord wants to breathe new life and hope into areas where the coronavirus has affected you. The Lord would remind you that He can redeem, He can restore—He can make things better than before!
A Wave of Healing
There are so many areas where people have been affected by this virus. Whether it's actual loss of life or health, financial and economic loss, or the many cancellations and postponements of every type of event and happening imaginable—countless hopes and dreams have been dashed or hang in the balance. (Photo via Pexels)
For me and my husband, personally, we've had to cancel travel plans to visit one of our children stationed in the military overseas; we've had to postpone a 40th wedding anniversary celebration our children planned to surprise us with, and, like so many others, we have had our share of personal financial concerns as well as questions about the long-term overall economy.
Yet in the midst of this, I've heard the Lord say, "It's going to be a good few weeks." The challenge then becomes attitude. Each day I remind myself—by the grace of God—to expect the next few weeks to be good. I remind myself to praise and thank the Lord in anticipation of what's coming. I choose to refuse fear, worry and frustration, and to operate out of faith, hope and positive expectation. Some days it's easier to do this than others, but I've made this determination nonetheless. What about you—will you make this same resolution?
For several weeks now, I've been hearing the Lord speak of something coming. I heard, "There's something coming, and it is a move of My healing." Again, more recently, I heard, "There will be a wave of healing after this ends."
Remember, according to the prophet's word it will be those who manifest the right spirit and attitude that God uses to manifest His glory in the new awakening. Malachi 4:2 (NKJV) has recently come alive to me, "But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves."
Friends, you can expect to see... (continue reading)