From the Desk of Steve Shultz: I really enjoyed this word by Helen Calder of Australia...Yes, our plans have changed and much has been canceled. Yet, as we're spending all of our time at home right now, many have said God is increasing their gifts and anointings and angelic encounters have been increasing. Isn't God amazing? We're home with our families, we're spending more time with Him, and He is infilling us for what is next. Read this awesome word by Helen Calder and the heavenly hotspot God has made available for you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible. To partner with us, click here. Your donations truly help us keep these emails free for you. Donate at: Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: Enjoy! Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News ************************************* "Where You Are Right Now Is a Heavenly Hotspot" Helen Calder, Melbourne, Australia  I pray the Holy Spirit ministers this truth to your heart today: Where you are right now is a heavenly hotspot. God is present and moving on your behalf. Even if you are experiencing frustration, or pressure. Even in spite of delays, threats, or uncertainties or canceled plans. Plans Have Changed Awhile ago, while visiting family in New Zealand, I learned the Australian border was about to close. Thankfully, my flight was due to land back in Melbourne before the closure that night! This meant I could avoid any potential difficulties of entering Australia on my New Zealand passport. (Photo via Unsplash) That afternoon, I walked into Auckland International Airport to an alarming scene. Vast areas of the airport were empty except for two long queues of people. Others were milling about looking confused. Every 15 minutes, loud warnings about COVID-19 were being broadcast over the loudspeakers. I cast my eyes up at the scheduled departures board, looking for my flight. That's when I saw the word: Canceled. I felt a wave of shock. There was no explanation and I'd received no notifications. This was my replacement flight—my first one had already been canceled. Eventually, I learned that my plane had been grounded at the last minute, due to technical difficulties. However, my rebooked flights for the following day presented even more challenges. It's what life has been like for many of us recently. We had a plan, we had a destination. We were going somewhere. But then, the COVID-19 pandemic happened. Now, life as we knew it—and the direction many of us thought we were going to take—has been suspended...suddenly. For some of us... (continue reading) Find us on: * Facebook click here * XAPiT click here PLEASE FORWARD to all your friends! Permission granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Elijah List Publications 528 Ellsworth St. SW Albany, OR 97321 email: Phone 1-541-926-3250 |