Intro from Johnny Enlow:
Henry Falany is an author, speaker, revivalist and overall man of faith. He and his wonderful wife, Grace, who ministers alongside of him with a strong seer anointing, are resident "heroes of the faith" for the state of California.
I have a strong affinity for them as they were our landing spot when we moved to California on assignment back in 2013. Our first night in the state was at their home situated on the Mother Lode community of Mariposa, California, where they pastored many years.
I had prophesied while in Georgia of a coming Gold Rush in California that would dwarf the original Gold Rush as part of a further-reaching prophetic word for the state. Henry reached out to me back then because he lived on the site of the historic 1849 California Gold Rush. He had just written his book, "God, Gold & Glory!: The California Contribution" – which is a fascinating read on California's history and its yet-to-be-revealed glorious destiny.
Our prophetic perspectives on California had many overlaps, and in the following word you will be delighted to sense that he has not backed off the revelation God has given him on California. The resolute spirit that Henry and Grace carry is a gift to the Body of Christ and especially so in California, where the contradictions of the day can be nerve-rattling.
I believe California to be on the front line throes of a revolution that will completely transform the state. Its present revolutionary process will be a lead domino for many other states and even for the nation.
As you read Henry Falany's word, be stirred, be encouraged, be challenged to fully awaken. His book and his message need to be revisited at this time, so do your part in advancing that as well. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth
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"The Virus & America's Manifest Destiny in 2020"
Henry Falany, Mariposa, California
Did God Send This Pandemic to Turn America Around?
This discourse is in response to what I see as a "false" reasoning out there regarding the so-called "pandemic" and it being God-sent. I hope it brings encouragement and clarification to the Body of Christ so that they know how to think and how to stand – which will affect how we pray and decree.
For openers and getting right to the point – this crisis is a sickness that is fear-driven. Jesus never uses sickness to straighten us out. And God has not given us the spirit of fear!
One word of admonition here – Don't go back to the Old Testament to prove that God uses sickness and plagues today. The New Covenant clearly does away with that idea. According to what the Word tells us, "That dog won't hunt."
Hebrews 1:1-3 tells us distinctly that Jesus, not the Old Testament prophets, is now our example. He clearly set Himself, and the Church, against sickness and disease. In His earthly ministry He never used sickness to straighten anyone out and teach them a lesson. And He always said, "Fear not," or "Let not your heart be troubled."
I say "false" because their reasoning does not line up with the Word of God. I say "so-called pandemic" because the numbers simply are not there to support the claim of a run-away plague, especially in California.
If you remove the media and the government reports you have no pandemic – period! There is still no death from the virus in Mariposa County – zero! And percentage wise, there are very few cases in all the other counties of California.
When I checked the official numbers on April 29, 2020, there were approximately 1,887 deaths in the whole state of California, and most of them actually died with other major problems. 1,000 of those are all in L.A. County. So when you look at the rest of the state the numbers are extremely low.
California has a population of about 40 million people. L.A. County has a population of about 10 million people. So, the 30 million Californians outside of L.A. have only seen 884 deaths. That's much less than the normal flu and many other diseases.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Using "the good sense that God gave a goose," let's do the simple math... (continue reading)