| | | | God Provides For You The Same Way He Provided For Jesus | Dear Elijah List Ministries friends, Though we are not in the season when we think about wise men – I wanted to remind you how God sent a few very wealty "wise men" from the east just in time to worship the "King of the Jews," Jesus. They gave Him GOLD and lots of it, (along with frankincense and myrrh). When wealthy people plan and travel from one nation to another specifically to worship another king, they don't bring a tiny sum of Gold. That's not how things are done. This was substantial. Two years earlier, these wise men began to plan for this trip. They not only came as worshippers but as intentional financiers, or donors to His life and ministry. Wow. I remember when I first realized this. All this Gold was given just in time for them, Jesus and His parents to flee THAT NIGHT, into Egypt to escape murderous Herod. In the same way, FOR YOU and for ME... | At this second, think about it. God may very well have put things in motion for you, YEARS AGO such that when you need it, the finances and other kinds of help will be there for you... at the VERY MOMENT YOU NEED IT! I often think about how God does that all the time for His kids. We just are usually unaware of it. But there's more. | Jesus Kept Being Provided for by His Father by Use of Earthly Provision | Remember how it was Judas who was "trusted" with the money bag. What this shows us is that Jesus put a person in charge of ministry finances – to receive, and account for the donations of money that people gave to His ministry. John 12:6 As keeper of the money bag, he [Judas] used to take from what was put into it... |  Even though Jesus could have performed a new money miracle every single day of His ministry, God allowed Him, indeed, God set it up for people to give into His ministry. Someone had to hold the money bag of course. IN THE SAME WAY, GOD TAKES CARE OF YOU and me, often inspiring others to offer you a sudden gift just when you've needed it. Think of your life. Recall the many, MANY times money showed up for you just when you needed it. That is always GOD'S DOING when that happens. ALWAYS! Why Does God Always Use PEOPLE to Help You? |  Our Papa God is a real Dad to you and to me. He knows what we need and when we need it. And because He's a DAD to every single Believer in Him (and often to those who do NOT believe in Him), He uses some of His kids to help you or to help me. Then the very son or daughter who helps the Father minister to others, receives a great blessing in return. Most Believers Have Not Seen This Scripture, MEMORIALIZING Those Who Gave to Jesus' Ministry Check out how God used women who had relationship with Jesus, to support His ministry financially. The SAME is true, you are in ministry yourself... your LIFE is a ministry. This is why God has people come to your help, financially and other ways... at hundreds of times throughout your life. Luke 8:1-3 Soon afterward, Jesus began going around from one city and village to another, preaching and proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God. The twelve [disciples] were with Him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and diseases: Mary, called Magdalene [from the city of Magdala in Galilee], from whom seven demons had come out, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's household steward, and Susanna, and many others who were contributing to their support out of their private means [as was the custom for a rabbi's disciples]. |  As you read this, I pray that God will put it on your heart to click through and post a donation to ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES/ ElijahStreams TV. We do in fact receive our entire support through donations and God does this through our viewers and readers...people just like you. Derene and I want to thank you in advance for ANY AMOUNT the Lord puts on your heart. Our gratitude to you knows no bounds. We pray for you every day! | Blessings to you,  Steve and Derene Shultz Elijah List Ministry/Elijah Streams TV. | | | | To donate by Check (US Dollar Only), make your check payable to: ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES 528 ELLSWORTH ST SW ALBANY, OR 97321 USA Or Call: (541) 967-3665 | | |  | | | | | |  | | | | |