From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
We are absolutely in a divine reset, as many prophetic voices have said so.
Many have asked: What is this for?
In Katie Barker's recent article, you are going to get power-packed words from the Lord to the Body of Christ.
The best thing we can do is listen to His voice and heed what He is saying to us He ushers us into a NEW DAY. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

The Lord recently gave me a word about this being a time of "divine reset." The Lord is using this time of shaking across the earth to bring a divine reset to the Church and the nations and to set the stage for His glory to be seen in the earth in a greater way than ever before. Not only will there be a spiritual reset but a natural one, and a divine turnaround. What the enemy meant for evil the Lord is turning for good. It is the hour of greater alignment, positioning, preparation and purification for the greatest time of unveiling and revealing to come.
Even today, the Lord continues to speak to me about the divine reset. As I was praying recently He said, "The divine reset will usher in a new day." This time will usher in a new 'normal' for the Church, which is really a return to fundamental and foundational truths. The new day will see the rise of God's faithful remnant wielding greater authority, and they will advance the Kingdom of God like never before.
A New Day and a New Way
I heard the Lord say, "The world will awaken to a new day and a new way following the reset. Things will not be as they were, for I am bringing My Church back to the foundations of all I have called them to be, removing what is not of Me and restoring what has been lost.
"The world is awakening to a new day and a new way. My people are returning to My heart and My ways. They are earnestly seeking Me and times of deep encounter with Me are before them. This is the time of great positioning and alignment in the earth, both for individuals and for nations. The reset will awaken My Church and bring them into the new day I have prepared."
The Lord is bringing His Church back to His original plan and purpose. He is calling His people into alignment with His Word, heart and ways. Through this time of shaking, there is an invitation to recalibrate our priorities and ways and align ourselves with Him and His ways. The Lord is calling us to a place of consecration and surrender, and from that place of encounter we will be positioned for the new day that is dawning.
New Marching Orders
Following the divine reset, we will see the Lord release greater spiritual authority to those who faithfully stewarded their assignments in the last season. It will be a time where much territory is taken for the Kingdom of God.
In a vision I saw the army of God, all over the world, being positioned and prepared for the launch that was coming following this time of divine reset. I knew they would soon receive the call from the King to advance. I was shown all ranks of the army taking their positions and arising, and there was great anticipation for what was ahead. I heard trumpets sounding from Heaven, calling those in the army of God to take their stations and get ready.
I saw worship warriors arising. These were ones that would release a new sound from Heaven. Their worship was breaking ground and opening the way. They would be a part of the front line as the army of God advanced. They worshiped God in spirit and in truth and had such a purity of heart. I saw they were given heavenly songs and declarations that had the anointing to shift spiritual atmospheres. In the time of reset, God's people are returning to true worship and encountering the Lord in powerful ways, and from this place worship warriors will arise. (Photo via Pexels)
I saw warriors arising, wielding the sword of the Spirit with greater authority and precision. The army of God was arising, knowing the power of the Word of God and they were using it to take territory. This time of reset has drawn people back to the power of the Word of God as well as the power of prayer and intercession. I also saw intercessors standing shoulder to shoulder around regions. This time of reset has caused people to answer the call to stand in intercession for their families, regions and nations like never before. The power of united prayer will be showcased in this hour.
I heard the Lord say, "My remnant will arise in greater authority following the divine reset. The world stage has been set for the rise of My faithful remnant who will bring glory to My name. The doorway of greater partnership stands before My people, but they must have eyes to see the door and obediently take the invitation and step."
I saw the faithful remnant arising to Zechariah 4:6, for they were arising in the power of the Spirit. The Lord was releasing a... (continue reading)