From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I really enjoy reading words that give in-depth revelation with instructions. This is such a word by Katie Barker of Australia.
In this article you're going to receive fresh and practical insight which you can use in your life right now.
I encourage you to read through this...asking the Lord for strategic instructions for you and your family in this whole new world we are all entering into. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

We are awakening to a whole new world, a new era. This is the time to look and see the new horizons the Lord has set before us. It is a time to look to Him and His Word; to look at our hearts and see that which needs to be brought into alignment; to look with a Kingdom mindset and to look outward to the harvest field in which the Lord has placed us.
The Lord is calling us to look for His blueprint and strategy for our families, ministries, regions and nations in this new era. He is also releasing a new handbook to the Church. May we awaken to the Lord's strategy and embrace His preparation so that we may be found ready.
In a recent time of prayer I kept hearing, "A whole new world, new horizons and a new view." The world has changed in this time of reset and the Lord is changing our view and showing us the new horizons that are opening up to us in this new era. We are not to see things in the same way. As we see things in a new way, His way, we will walk in His way and much will unfold before us.
New Handbook for the New Era
In a vision I saw a handbook released out of Heaven to the Church for this time. The title of the handbook was "Handbook for the New Era." As the handbook was received by people, I saw the outer cover open up and inside was labeled "Original Handbook." The new handbook is a return to God's original design and purpose for His Church. The Lord is stripping away everything that has infiltrated our lives and the Church that is not of Him. The Lord is calling us to return to Him and His Word.
I was then shown the new handbook again, however, this time I saw there was a sealed section of the handbook entitled "Greater Glory." This new era will see the glory of God in the earth in unprecedented ways. The Lord is calling His people to prepare and align with Him so they may be vessels through which He can move powerfully in the time ahead.
The Time to "Look"
As we awaken to a new world, the Lord is calling us to "look" in new ways at the new view before us. He spoke to me about a number of areas relating to how we are to look and see:
• Look to the hills from where your help comes.
The words of Psalm 121 were strongly brought before me, especially verses 1 and 2. The Lord is encouraging His people to look to the hills as He is coming to bring breakthrough and help. In many cases, the divine intervention the Lord will bring may come in unexpected ways, but it is a time where we will see Him work all things together for our good. We are to look with expectation and faith, knowing He is faithful to bring to pass all He has spoken. Allow your hope to arise as you feast on Psalm 121.
"I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made Heaven and Earth." (Psalm 121:1-2 ESV)
• Look to new horizons.
The Lord is encouraging His people to look with heavenly perspective to see the new horizons He is establishing following the time of reset. Many have been feeling a stirring in this time, where they know they can't go back to where they were before, but instead have such a hunger to move into the new place the Lord has for them. Many in the Body of Christ are awakening to the new world set before them in this time of shaking. (Photo via Pixabay)
The Lord is establishing a fresh start and removing mindsets that have limited His people, who are now awakening to all they are called to be as children of God and co-heirs with Christ. They are seeing the assignments the Lord has for them in a new way. They are awakening to the ways the Lord can work in and through them to impact their spheres of influence for Him. The Lord is causing His people to see a...(continue reading)