From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
While this is troubling at best, I feel it is true wisdom and simply not good news.
China is not and has not been our friend for a very long time.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

In Revelation 7:1 an important paradigm is given that is a key to understanding world history, as well as the present:
"After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth..."
Understanding these "four winds of the earth" can make clear the forces that have shaped the development of civilization, as well as those impacting our own times. We will briefly look at these and how they apply to what is now unfolding in the world today, including the coronavirus crisis.
Winds often speak of change in literature and Scripture, as in "the winds of change." We have heard much recently about how the coronavirus has brought about a radical change to the world. No doubt it has, but little has been defined about how. History testifies that those who grasp the impact of change are those who will control the future.
Battles for the Ages
The "four winds of the earth" in Revelation 7:1 are the four great powers that shaped civilization. These are worldly powers, "winds of the earth," not Heaven. Each of these winds dominated one of the four major epochs of world history. They are military, religious, political, and economic powers. The sequence in which these became dominant saw the construction of civilization in that order.
Military power led to the first epoch of recorded history—the age of the conquerors. This period extended from the beginning of recorded history to shortly after the time of Christ. During this age, military leaders were the most powerful men in the world, and military conquests brought about the greatest changes to civilization.
The next major epoch was dominated by religion. Again, this is a "wind of the earth," not of Heaven, and speaks more of the religions that emerged from men, the earth, and not from above. These would include institutional Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. This age extended from about the third century A.D. into the 1500s. During this period, religious leaders were the most powerful men in the world, and the military became subservient to the religious powers. Most wars were religious conflicts during this time.
The next major epoch emerged when politics became the most powerful force for change. This began when The Magna Carta was signed that began limiting imperial power and continued into the 20th century. During this period, political changes became the primary change agent in civilization as new forms of government emerged with the social upheavals like the French, American, and Bolshevik revolutions. During this period, the most powerful people were political leaders, and both the religious and military powers became subservient to political power.
In this age there were still some religious wars, but the major conflicts during this time were political. The transitions between these ages were gradual, but in the late 19th century through the middle of the 20th century, we began to shift into the 4th major civilizational epoch—the time that would be dominated by economic power. (Photo via Pixabay)
The Battle of Our Time
The Bolshevik Revolution was both a political and an economic revolution, as Marxism is both a political and economic philosophy. World War II was both a political and an economic war, as Japan attacked America because they considered the U.S. economic embargo to be an "act of war." This conflict was the last major repositioning of the nations in preparation for the coming age of economic power.
The "Cold War" was a very real war and the first Economic World War. It only had sporadic and relatively minor military actions. Though political, religious, and the military forces remained major powers, the Cold War was different than any previous conflict because it was primarily fought with economic weapons such as banks, currencies, sanctions, and trade policies. Even so, the geopolitical changes brought about by this conflict was as great as any physical war.
Winston Churchill foresaw this clash of civilizations based on economics. He also foresaw... (continue reading)
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Rick Joyner's Itinerary:
Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.
May 29-30, 2020
Partners Weekend 2020
Heritage Conference Center
375 Star Light Dr, Fort Mill, SC 29715
(For more itinerary info click here)
June 2-5, 2020
Retreat - Fields of Vision
Heritage Conference Center
375 Star Light Dr, Fort Mill, SC 29715
(For more itinerary info click here)
October 22-24, 2020
Heritage Conference Center
2020 KBA Annual Conference
375 Star Light Dr, Fort Mill, SC 29715
(For more itinerary info click here