From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
God repeats history for each era and then He does NEW THINGS with that repeated history.
Israel was saved during Passover and then saved in greater measure when they passed through the Red Sea (read about this below in Prophet Rebecca Greenwood's article).
In the same way, WE WERE SAVED at Passover time when Jesus BECAME the Passover sacrifice, creating a way of escape. Between the Cross and Pentecost was an exciting but uncertain time.
On the 50th day, Pentecost occurred and the Spirit was poured out on the Church.
Don't take lightly what God is about to do on the 50th day after Passover this year, and in the same way, don't be surprised to have a lot of uncertainty about things between the Passover we just emerged from and this upcoming Pentecost.
Keep your faith in what the Holy Spirit intends to pour out at Pentecost this year! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

(The Lord originally gave me this word on April 12, which I feel compelled to share with you now, as I believe it is a timely word for this season we have entered into.)
From Passover to Pentecost (April – May 2020)
As we have entered the season from Passover to Pentecost, this a time to stay vigilant and alert. As we continue in our moment of reset, we have already moved into the 7-week, 50-day period of time where we will see the contending over the aligning of nations. All that is about transpire is for the "aligning of nations" and the "awakening and positioning of the Church" for the new era we have entered.
As this 50-day process, orchestrated by the Lord, unfolds I am hearing the Lord say, "It is a time of understanding for My Church to awaken, to embrace, and step into the position of influence." He showed me that we will continue to see the unfolding of great differences in the nation and the nations. Some things will begin to escalate. There will be an exposure of corrupt structures, and we will witness economic developments that will begin to unfold in the nations, starting now through the month of May and through Pentecost.
Just like when the children of Israel were directed by the Lord to turn back toward the Red Sea to cross over, we, too, are in that season. It is just like in the days of the crossing over of the children of Israel, where there was a hardening of Pharaoh's heart to pursue them, overtake them and to enslave them once more. But God brought them to the Red Sea, causing a miraculous parting of the waters and made a way for His people to cross over to dry land and into the new era. He brought them to this place to bring an exacting blow to the structure that wanted to hold Israel bound and captive and recapture the plundered resources given to Israel.
It is interesting that Egypt gave homage to a dragon spirit, a sea monster, in the Nile River and the Red Sea. They revered it as the god of chaos. We, too, are seeing this "god of chaos" manifest in this season. It is important to note that the Lord brought them to the Red Sea to deal an exacting blow to the schemes of their enemy and these entities—and to bring glory to Him and the glory of the new day for the children of Israel.
Recoil, Red Dragon, Exposure, Economies
Just as Pharaoh and his army pursued the children of Israel, the Lord has been showing me that there will be a recoiling among nations and economies. "Recoil" is defined as "to shrink back" and one of its synonyms is "boomerang." I believe there will be a boomerang effect on those who meant to bring harm. Pharaoh, after he let the children of Israel go, soon questioned the decision and the Lord hardened his heart again. We know he and his army set out to pursue and recapture Israel. And this act "recoiled" or "boomeranged" on Pharaoh and his army.
We will begin to see this same type of movement over the next weeks. (Remember, the time I began to see and receive this word was April 12.) What we are seeing and will see unfold is a shaking, exposing and rearranging of economies of the nations for the new time we are entering into in the world. (Photo via Pixabay)
I believe the hand of the Communist Party of China (also known as the "red dragon") that is attempting to reach for the economies of the world will... (continue reading)