The 5 Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer By S.A. Nickerson If you are a man over 50, the following information could help save your life… You have a 1 in 3 chance of developing prostate cancer during your lifetime. Believe me, these are not good odds — and this is not a disease you want to mess around with. In fact, prostate cancer is the second most deadly cancer for men in America. And it’s the leading cause of cancer-related death in men over age 75. Fortunately, according to renowned holistic physician David Brownstein, M.D., you can turn these odds around just by following a few simple guidelines. Dr. Brownstein recently collaborated with Newsmax Health to make available a special male health video presentation: The 5 Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer. In this video, you’ll discover how easy it is to keep your prostate healthy, reverse an enlarged or inflamed prostate that makes urination difficult and painful, and protect yourself from cancer in this vital gland. In this video, Dr. Brownstein will also reveal how using certain prescription drugs to relieve the symptoms of an enlarged prostate can actually increase your risk for prostate cancer. Plus, you will see how having too much estrogen — or too little testosterone — could not only be feminizing you, but also putting you at higher risk for prostate cancer. The 5 Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer: A Newsmax Health Special Presentation  David Brownstein, M.D., is a board-certified family physician and medical director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, Michigan, where he uses the best of both conventional and natural treatment methods. Dr. Brownstein is also the author of 11 best-selling books on major health topics, and editor of one of the most popular health advisory newsletters in America — Dr. Brownstein’s Natural Way to Health. Editor’s Note: For a limited time, Newsmax Health is making The 5 Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer video presentation available at no charge. Click here now to prevent or defeat annoying and potentially deadly prostate problems — before it’s too late! |