Intro from Phyllis Ford:
Wayland Henderson is someone I see as a son in the Gospel. In 2010, he and his wife came to the Dallas/Fort Worth area with a powerful word of revelation and awesome downloads concerning revival. He and Jeanette joined their hearts and minds with others in our surrounding area.
As we gathered together, the Lord formed in us an Apostolic Prophetic HUB. They have traveled together with our team to various regions in Colorado, California and throughout the Texas region. They love ministering to many who are hungry for prophetic fire, glory and revival. They also minister to groups of Millennials locally and in California. The Henderson's are prophetic vessels and have founded Greater Works Ministries, along with their own school of ministry. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Phyllis Ford
Phyllis Ford Ministries
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

What Distinguishes True Prophets from False Prophets?
During times of crisis and what seems to be the increase of darkness, one of the most important truths Believers need to understand is how to walk in the light of the council of the Lord. There are powerful parallels of revelation that are seen when comparing the language of the relationship of the Old Testament prophets and God with Jesus and His disciples. In the book of Jeremiah, God addresses the false prophets and makes a clear distinction between the true and the false:
"For who among them has stood in the council of the Lord to see and to hear His Word, or who has paid attention to His Word and listened?" (Jeremiah 23:18)
According to the Word of the Lord from Jeremiah, what distinguishes true prophets from false prophets is that true prophets stand in the council of the Lord. Those who speak for God have to meet Him and receive instructions and directives from His divine council. That word "council" is the Hebrew word, "sod."
The Key to Walking in God's "Sod"
According to Brown-Driver-Briggs, the Hebrew word "sod" means "council, secret counsel, divan or circle of familiar friends, of intimate friendship." It is also used in the book of Amos:
"For the Lord God does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7)
Amos declares that God does nothing until He reveals His "sod" or divine council to His servants the prophets. Council differs from counsel in that the word counsel is to give or receive wisdom and advice, whereas the word council means to be part of the judicial, governmental, and legislative company to institutes laws.
Notice that when we talk about the council of the Lord, by definition, we are also talking about intimacy. Amos 3:3 states, "Do two walk together, unless they have agreed?" This denotes two who are walking together and doing life together, as they are coming into a place of union that flows out of intimacy. It is agreement that flows out of doing life together. The first revelatory truth to grasp from walking in His council is that He reveals His secrets to those who are intimate with Him. Agreement that flows out of intimacy derives from a place of trust, because the two who walk together are doing life together.
The council of God is not a physical place, but it is where God's dwelling place is, which means His council is also His dwelling place. Biblical scholars have argued that the Garden of Eden, where God walked with man in the cool of the day, was terminology used to express that Eden was where God dwelled in visible form because "spirits do not walk." Therefore, God's dwelling place is the abode of His council. This is profound when we draw the relationship between walking with God and His divine council. (Photo via Pixabay)
If walking with God refers to someone who abides in His presence, then it gives greater significance to being the house or dwelling place of God. God's council is where His house is. Thus, if we are walking with God, He is also walking with us and among us, meaning that we ourselves are the place of His council.
The powerful truth and correlation between discipleship and walking with God is that walking denotes presence. Therefore, walking with God indicates continually abiding in His presence in order to learn.
Jesus - the Council of the Lord
As discussed previously, sod, or council, refers to where the secret and divine council of Yahweh takes place. Jesus, who is Yahweh in the flesh, taught His disciples differently than... (continue reading)