From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
We've been posting several prophetic words recently about this being a a time of "birthing."
I really enjoyed this astounding word from Ben Lim about the roaring 20s and the women God is raising up in this decade:
I believe that the Lord is raising up a new breed and army of women warriors to fiercely roar and soar in their anointing in mighty name of Jesus.
Enjoy this word by Ben Lim as you find out what your part is in the army of mighty women God is causing His daughters to be! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

The Decade of the Roaring 20s
Many prophets have declared that this new decade will be like the Roaring Twenties of the 20th century. I fully agree with this word and I add my faith to this prophetic decree.
The Roaring Twenties were a huge shifter and a hallmark decade of the 1900s. It birthed many cultural renewals of that time. This was a time where Jazz music was born. This was also a time of the Red Scare of communism. People grew weary and suspicious of Marxist teachings that had leavened into the minds and hearts of the American shores and people.
The prohibition of alcohol also took place, giving birth to the mafia and to an illegal crime wave that swept across America. This unique time led to a great cultural shift, which also led to an uncommon economic boom!
The nation's wealth doubled from 1920 to 1929. This was largely due to the consumerism mentality that rapidly grew, along with the production of chain stores which fed the people's curiosity and greed. This time frame saw a big growth in ownership of things like mechanical refrigerators and the automobile Model T. Many common home goods were made and sold with exponential growth and speed and became regular household items for the American people.
The Roaring Twenties was a modern-day Renaissance with massive multiplication in every level of society!
The New Woman
In midst of all of these phenomenas, the great hallmark of what birthed and began the Roaring 20s is widely known as the "New Woman."
The New Woman was a term attributed to the fashion, style, and attitudes of a more modern day woman, that was contrary to the traditional views and more evolved from the stigma of women in that time.
This new sense of identity and attitude amongst the women led to a massive revolution in the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which guaranteed women's equal right to vote. This began the theme of gender equality, empowering women to have more access to diverse jobs, careers and education opportunities... (continue reading)