From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Not only is Chantell Cooley a successful business woman, she has a powerful prophetic anointing in ministry.
I've enjoyed getting to know her and her husband Tommy as we interviewed her last year on our Elijah Streams TV show.
Chantell writes a very uplifting and impactful word here as she opens with:
We are being repositioned for a time of explosion in our culture. This new culture will cause His people to heed to the call of God in such a way that it will be like the time that God told Joshua to take His people to the Promised Land.
Amen to that! As you read this article you'll receive godly instruction in how to reposition yourself and take your inheritance and the land(s) God is giving you. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"A Time of Repositioning to Go After Our Inheritance"
Chantell Cooley, Gulf Shores, Alabama
A Joshua-style Leadership Is Rising Up
We are being repositioned for a time of explosion in our culture. This new culture will cause His people to heed to the call of God in such a way that it will be like the time that God told Joshua to take His people to the Promised Land. As he got orders to cross the Jordan River, this supernatural faith rose up in him to take them across. This fire and anointing that he carried to take on many battles came up deep within his heart as he heard the voice of God begin to lead him.
Many "Joshuas" are rising up, even now, and being uncovered to take on new territory that has never been taken before.
This identity that Joshua carried was a no-nonsense, military-style leadership that only did what God told him to do. God said it, and he took God at His word and charged the tribes to take the lands. He was truly a leader of his time, and of that season, as the mantle was passed from Moses. It was a new season that was much different from the season of Moses. This, too, is a new season for those in leadership now, and those rising up in second command. Many mantles are continuously being passed along for others to rise up and do exactly what Joshua did.
Men and Women of a Different Spirit Are Rising Up
Many "Calebs" are also out executing the battle plan, both now and in the next season. As the virus dies from the roots (and it shall), the "Calebs" will rise up all over the land and say, "I am going after my inheritance!" They will be bold and lead with such confidence that nothing will scare them off. They know who they are, they know they are in Christ, and they are so deep in their relationship with God that they carry the very nature of God... (continue reading)