From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
This interview with Demontae Edmonds will really help you understand a LOT of things about prophecy and prophetic ministry.
For instance, if God said He would do nothing without first revealing His secrets to His servants the prophets, then why did the prophets you know NOT see COVID-19 coming or the recent riots?
And watch as Demontae compares other countries to the drama that is happening in the United States.
You'll also find out – is it good that SOME statues are being torn down? What is that about?
And, if prophecy is for encouragement, exhortation and comfort, why are some prophets continually prophesying what amounts to "doom and gloom"?
Find out what God is saying regarding President Trump and Israel.
You'll come away from this interview with a much greater understanding of prophecy and what is happening on the earth today.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Elijah Streams TV

"Prophetic Perspective for the USA & the Nations"
Demontae Edmonds with Steve Shultz on Elijah Streams TV
Steve Shultz interviewed Demontae Edmonds LIVE on June 23, 2020. Demontae gave us a prolific prophetic perspective about racism, the tearing down of statues and the spirits behind it. He also shared prophetic words for national leaders, including Israel and much more. Then Demontae offered a powerful prayer for our viewers!
You don't want to miss this prophetic perspective from Prophet Demontae Edmonds. Watch the Replay Now, here, or click on the image below.
(To watch more videos or subscribe to our Elijah Streams YouTube page click here.)
To order Demontae Edmonds' recent book, "Grab Hold Of Your Miracle: 10 Keys To Experiencing Supernatural Miracles," click here.
Demontae Edmonds
Freedom 4 the Nations
Demontae Edmonds serves the Kingdom of God as servant, prophet, and apostolic leader. He has ministered throughout the United States and abroad. His heart is to reveal the reality of Jesus Christ and the glory of God in a real and tangible way. God has used him to bring healings, deliver major prophetic words for nations, economies and top church and secular leaders in several nations. He has accurately prophesied detailed events, including US elections, Nigeria's 2016 elections, and other specific world events. Apostle Edmonds resides in Virginia with his family.