From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a powerful and sobering word for this hour.
Nate Johnston recently had some potent dreams about the enemy causing havoc in this season.
The Lord gave him key insight in how we should respond.
Please read this slowly and carefully...God wants to bring His solutions for restoration, justice, peace and power which we very much need right now. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

Before I share this word I want to make it clear that this is in no way speaking against the needed justice and restoration in the Black American community. This is a word to reveal and expose the work of the enemy that is trying to move against the healing and restoration that God is wanting to see right now, and the work of the Holy Spirit to mobilize a generation for harvest. This is a word to expose to the tactics of the enemy that seek to keep us divided, suppressed, oppressed, powerless, and yet again controlled and manipulated to his agenda. It's also a call to step into our shoes as sons and daughters in this difficult and messy time of humanity.
The Snake and the Dragon
I went to bed a few nights ago troubled and I asked the Lord two questions: "What is swirling in the spirit that I cannot see?" and "What are You doing that I cannot see?"
As soon as I fell asleep I went into a dream. In the dream, I saw two figures moving amongst a crowd of people, yet they were hidden from the people. I looked more closely until I saw a snake crouching low in the grass. It was busy, wrapping its tail around people's legs, and laughing as they tripped and fell. Many people began fighting and accusing each other, and all the while the snake was moving around, incognito, causing mischief and mayhem.
That's when my eyes adjusted to the second figure of a dragon that was standing further back watching over what the snake was doing. The dragon was doing something in the atmosphere, like a swirling of the wind and fog, creating a sense of confusion. It seemed like it was governing the weather patterns and creating turmoil and perpetuating the chaos atmospherically. At first I was annoyed at the snake for causing such problems, but then I realized that the snake was also sent as a distraction so that we wouldn't see the plans of the dragon that were being released.
After I had the dream I woke up still feeling troubled, because now I felt like God was speaking to me about... (continue reading)