From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Do you need an understanding of opening and closing doors in the spirit realm?
Nate Johnston of Australia shares this most important word that releases some key insight for this season:
I felt an urgency in the Spirit and heard, "SPEAK TO THE DOORS!"...I believe these doors are both the doors of the enemy that need to be shut and the doors of Heaven that need to be opened.
Please read through this thoroughly, pray into it, and let the Lord reveal to you the DOORS in YOUR OWN LIFE that need to be shut or opened, then..."SPEAK TO THE DOORS!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

A few nights ago, I had a simple yet profound instructional dream from the Lord. In the dream, I was standing in what, at first, seemed to be an intersection of a very busy inner-city district. I could barely see around me because there were cars coming from many directions, and their lights were blinding. I didn't feel unsafe but I did discern that these cars represented the vehicles of men's purposes and the vehicles of culture, movements, and ministries. They were both the vehicles created by man, that carried zero anointing, and also the vehicles of movements anointed by God to usher in the Kingdom of God into the earth.
Then the scene suddenly changed and I was, yet again, in the middle of something that was moving around me, but I found that instead of a busy intersection, I was in a room of moving doors that were swirling all around me.
Now, I have had similar dreams and visions before, but this time I felt an urgency in the Spirit and heard, "SPEAK TO THE DOORS!" But what are the doors and why were they moving? I believe these doors are both the doors of the enemy that need to be shut and the doors of Heaven that need to be opened. The movement represented both the "movement" or transition and change taking place with these doors right now, and also the urgency of the hour for the Church to rise up and speak and command things to align according to the plans of Heaven. (Photo via Piqsels)
So, with that in mind, I want to prophesy OVER YOU but also encourage you to prophesy with me in these areas:
Speak to Slammed-Shut Doors
Firstly, I feel to prophesy over the areas of your life that seem like they are completely shut and out of reach right now. Maybe you came into 2020 full of promise and expectation but have felt like, one after the other, doors have continued to slam shut around you, both in the natural and in the spiritual. Maybe these are doors in your business or ventures where what you were planning now seems impossible or has stopped moving forward. Maybe it felt like these were the doors God was leading you to and now you feel confused as to why they are suddenly dead ends. Maybe this is where you are doing "all you can do to stand" and still it feels like nothing is budging.
I prophesy that those CLOSED and IMPOSSIBLE doors are opening! Don't give up yet. Don't throw in the towel because it looks like there is no way forward. God is going to provide a way forward where there seems to be no way!
I hear the Lord saying, "Get out your song, release your cry, and SPEAK to the doors!" Do this and you WILL lift out of the rut you feel you are in. Every single obstacle surrounding you is going to be level ground, because God is turning the key of FAVOR that will cause every and all doors that you need to swing WIDE OPEN! I prophesy that every door that God wants open, be opened NOW, in Jesus' name. Pray with authority and declare, "Nothing can stop the doors opening that God has destined for me in Jesus' name... (continue reading)