From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I can't imagine the pain of losing a young child who has been born into this world.
But, since my wife and I lost a child to miscarriage many years ago, I can imagine what that pain is like. It's HORRIBLE!
Whether you or a mother you know has lost one or more babies to miscarriage, abortion or any other tragedy, God wants to comfort you now.
Spoiler alert – your baby is now with the Lord! So begin to take in the comfort from that statement and be encouraged by this article.
His healing blessings to you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"'Has not My hand made all these things, and so they came into being?' declares the LORD. 'These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at My word.'" (Isaiah 66:2)
I was looking at a news article some weeks ago, which focused on women suffering from miscarriage. The image attached to the article was that of an outstretched human hand with a butterfly sitting on it.
The article took me down 'memory lane,' and I thought about the tiny baby girl that I miscarried some years ago when I was around 13/14 weeks pregnant. At the same time as I was reflecting on this, I also thanked God for the four, beautiful, grown up children I now have. Still, I will never forget that tiny baby girl, whom I believe is with the Lord. When I miscarried, my mum bought me an ornament to remember my baby with – it was an exquisite porcelain butterfly, which I treasured until I gave it away some years later, when the Lord asked me to comfort another woman passing through a difficult time.
An Open Vision of Christ
As I was pondering all of this in prayer, I suddenly found myself experiencing an open vision. I saw the Lord Jesus Christ with millions of butterflies of every shape, size and color around Him. He smiled, and the sun shone like a golden cloud while the butterflies hovered around Him. The Lord stretched out His hand, and a butterfly came and rested on the Master's open palm.
Then something so amazing happened which took my breath away. The butterfly turned into a baby in the hand of God. It was a tiny child, held in His hand. Miraculously, the tiny baby developed and grew in His hand, and when the child was strong enough, the Lord released the child, and the child ran into the garden in Heaven to play. The joy in the Lord's face is difficult to describe. The deep and abiding love of our Father was so evident in the eyes of Christ... (continue reading)