From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a powerful word and dream encounter that Ryan Johnson had...and it really speaks into this NOW moment.
Ryan shares this about seeing crowds with signs in his dream:
...the signs turned toward me, and I saw "IGNITE, IGNITE, IGNITE" written on them. I immediately heard the cheer, "IGNITE, IGNITE, IGNITE! WE ALL MUST IGNITE!" Soon afterward, I woke up...'s really time for us to IGNITE together as the Body of Christ. Now read the rest of the revelation given to Ryan and what we can do to Ignite! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

Not long ago, I had a dream that I believe the Lord is permitting me to share with the Body of Christ. The dream initially began with me being in a public place that looked like it would be in a large city (but I do not recall any city specifically). People were gathered in a large crowd that appeared to be like a mob of protesters.
I was in the middle of the crowd, and initially my view began to pan around the crowd, overlooking the people holding up their signs. At this point in the dream, I could tell that they had signs, but I was unable to see what was written on the signs. I noticed that the people weren't yelling in protest as if they were angry. They came across in a different manner; they were cheering loudly in more of a unified chant or yell. I was trying to understand what they were saying, and it sounded like the crowd was saying, "UNITE, UNITE, UNITE! WE ALL MUST UNITE!"
This went on for a little bit, and then I suddenly began to recognize faces in the crowd. I began to see people that I personally knew. They were holding the signs and cheering with a declaration. Then the dream shifted and brought a distinct clarity when the signs turned toward me, and I saw "IGNITE, IGNITE, IGNITE" written on them. I immediately heard the cheer, "IGNITE, IGNITE, IGNITE! WE ALL MUST IGNITE!" Soon afterward, I woke up.
There are a few things that stand out to me within the dream.
1. The people I recognized were people that I know who are born-gain, which caused me to believe that the crowd was actually the Body of Christ.
2. What appeared to be a protest in the beginning was, in reality, a rally of individuals calling for something specific.
3. I originally thought the cheer was "UNITE," which is what we often hear from the Body of Christ...but the dream brought forth with clarity that it was "IGNITE."
UNITE (Merriam-Webster Dictionary):
• to put together to form a single unit
• to cause to adhere
• to link by a legal or moral bond
• to possess (different things, such as qualities) in combination
• to become one or as if one
• to become combined by or as if by adhesion or mixture
• to act in concert... (continue reading)