From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
For those of you who've been deeply wounded through abandonment of one parent or another, there is very good news.
Psalm 27:10: "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me."
Like many of you, I was abandoned as a child, but not physically. In every way emotionally I WAS abandoned.
Thirty years ago, as my mother and I stood at my father's funeral in the viewing room, looking at my father's open casket and his lifeless form, I cried. Out of six kids in our family, I think I felt the most abandoned and said, "Why did dad hate me as a kid?" I cried to my mom, tears streaming down my face.
She agreed with me that he did hate me as a kid, but she tried to console me that when I became an adult, I had become his favorite. And while this was actually true, the soul damage to me was very real and it had hit its mark.
Yet, God had a solution. From the time of my birth, while I was just a kid in the way of his father who despised me, God loved me with an everlasting love and HE began to heal me even way back then. I've spent much of my life receiving greater and greater healing from my heavenly Father.
Now, He, YOUR heavenly Father, wants to begin your healing process too. Will you let Him? Let's get started.
This Word from the Lord will help you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

As a teenager I attempted to join the Virginia National Guard. I did great on the ASVAB test and was excited about the upcoming military training. I was under the age of 18 and by law I needed the permission of both of my parents to enlist. My mother met with the recruiter and signed the required documents. Additionally, I needed the signature of my father to move forward. However, there was dilemma – he was nowhere to be found. I had no idea how to reach him or contact him.
My father and I had been extremely close. We talked every day, even after he and my mother separated. However, during this time of my life he simply disappeared. He had his own challenges that he was dealing with, and our contact with each other went from daily to nothing. I could not track him down to sign my paperwork. I was disappointed, but I was more hurt and negatively affected by not having contact with my dad for nearly a year.
Upon reflection, I know it was not the will of God for me to join the Virginia National Guard or the Army at that time. God used that incident, as well as a prophetic word of the Lord given to me by a counselor for the National Guard, to confirm that fact for me. Years later, I learned that First Sergeant's cousin was a pastor's wife and I believe God used her to strategically intervene.
Nothing in Comparison
The sense of abandonment I felt that year, having no contact with my father and being unable to contact him, is NOTHING compared to the millions of individuals who have been impacted by the spirits of rejection and abandonment.
God led me to teach on the spirit of abandonment during a recent video teaching series. Many received inner healing as the Spirit of God walked them from brokenness and woundedness to wholeness. Many individuals shared traumatic stories of being abandoned by parents and rejected by their own families.
God has hope for the individual who never knew their father. God has healing for the individual who never heard their mother tell them that she loved him or her. God has a promise for the individual who never felt supported and loved by his or her own family. God has an embrace for the individual whose father lived in the same town but never bothered to check on them. God has a special place in His heart for the individual who was verbally and/or physically abused by a parent... (continue reading)