From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I met Emma Stark in Texas several years ago at Cindy Jacobs' ACPE gathering.
I was really impressed with the powerful prophetic voice of Emma Stark from the UK. She carries great wisdom for the things of God.
In her recent article, she writes heartfelt words and revelation that I believe will bring great healing to many.
Emma shares here: Everyone you meet is crying out to have a power encounter with Jesus!
This should encourage us all to be sensitive to God's voice wherever we go. You never know the impact the words you speak will have over someone's life! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

The Pregnant Shop Assistant
I love to shop for shoes. I love to go shoe shopping with God, hearing what He thinks about colors, for example. In our shopping conversations I might ask God questions like why He made red (a personal favorite of mine), what He likes about red, what the color communicates when it's used in art, what it heals when painted on a wall, or how He speaks through the color when it's worn as clothing.
One day I was clutching what were soon-to-be the newest additions to my collection of red high heels, and I was walking toward the checkout line to pay for them. As I did so, God said to me, "I like those shoes in your hand. I sometimes wear red shoes. Now, go prophesy over the young girl at the cash register."
At that very moment, a divinely orchestrated series of events began to occur; the line suddenly disappeared, and all the checkout operators—except one—instantly shut their registers and left the payment area. God had completely set things up to the point that the only people anywhere around were me and the young girl He had told me to prophesy to.
I set my shoes down on the counter in front of her and said, "Hi, I'm Emma. I'm a prophet who hears from God."
The young woman looked stunned. This is a normal response when I'm introducing myself, but if you don't tell people what you carry from God, how will anyone make a withdrawal from you? She responded with the question that almost everyone asks at this point:
"Well, what does He say about me?"
"God says you are going to be a really good mum," I replied.
She began to weep. Through her tears she blurted out to me that she had just found out she was pregnant and had told no one, not even her boyfriend, and that she had an abortion booked for Thursday.
"This morning I prayed for the first time ever," she sobbed. "I said to God, 'God, if You're even real, would You please tell me what to do about my pregnancy?'"
As she wiped away her tears, a resolve began to grow on her face. With determination she said, "If God says that I'm going to be a really good mum, then I'm going to ask for time away from my till right now so that I can phone up and cancel my abortion."
And that is exactly what she did!
Hard-Wired with Hunger for Jesus
I believe that every dentist, hairdresser, shop assistant, pizza delivery person, nail technician, waiter, school mum that I rub shoulders with in the school playground, my children's teachers, the person on the plane that I'm sitting next to—everyone—is crying out to have a power encounter with Jesus, even though they don't yet realize it! Everyone you meet is crying out to have a power encounter with Jesus!
Hard-wired into each one of them is a deep hunger for Jesus. Psalm 2 explains that Jesus is the "desire of nations." He put a yearning for Himself in us all. We turn up, power filled, with spiritual gifts, and become spiritual midwives as people are birthed into a relationship with Jesus.
Trust me, very few people ever refuse a prophetic word or turn down the opportunity to have a dream interpreted, to be healed, or to be delivered when it is offered to them! (Photo via Unsplash)
Spiritual gifts, given from the place of all power by the King of all authority, must find a way out in everyday life to meet all the people we interact with... (continue reading)