From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Happy Independence Day!
On this special national holiday, we wanted to release this timely article from Faith Baczko who shares that a special door has opened up this month:
"Recently, the Lord revealed to me that July 4th would be a marker day. He also showed me that the whole month of July is the entrance, or door, into a season of release, characterized by strength, authority and power in the Body of Christ."
Please take the time to prayerfully consider how God could be calling YOU in this new season as you read through this word. Enjoy! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

Over the last six months God has continually pressed me with the words "launch" and "rocket." Starting in January of this year, 2020, He revealed that May 2020 would be the launch. Then, over the weekend of Pentecost, the SpaceX rocket was launched as a confirming sign that lift off had taken place. I believe that it was a sign we had ascended, in measure, from the earthly into the Lord's sphere, powered by His agenda.
Recently, the Lord revealed to me that July 4th would be a marker day. He also showed me that the whole month of July is the entrance, or door, into a season of release, characterized by strength, authority and power in the Body of Christ.
As I have worked to wrap up new projects He has given me for release in this season, I was pondering about where we now were in His timing of things. Then, I heard Him say, "It is time to land this thing." I believe the expression "this thing" is in reference to what had been launched. I then heard Him say, "Systems are deployed." I wasn't clear on exactly what that meant, so I checked the definitions of the words.
The word "system" is defined as: A set of things working together as parts of an interconnecting network or mechanism; a complex whole.
Of physics: a set of organs in the body with a common structure or function.
The word "deploy" means: Move (troops or equipment) into position for military action; bring into effective action.
God's Creative Life-Force and Glory Pods
I believe that both of these words are key to what is presently taking place in the spiritual realm. In the preparation that the saints have endured over the past 20-30 years, under the hand of the Holy Spirit, He has readied them to be deployed in the season of the "new thing." God's creative life-force is about to be unconstrained, let loose and discharged through systems and networks, deployed in strategic settings throughout the globe. (Photo via Flickr)
These systems are comprised of saints who have committed to serve God in obedience; to link arms in authentic unions that will be power-packed with the energy force of God, ready to explode in the earth's atmosphere. We are God's storehouses. He has been storing and filling us up with His treasures, preparing us to serve the harvest for the time of famine.
A friend of mine, who I consider a father in the faith, recently told me that God revealed to him that He was about to establish "Glory Pods" all over the earth, and that many people were being raised up to steward these Glory Pods. When He said that, I was reminded of Isaiah 4:5-6: "Then the LORD will create over all of Mount Zion and over those who assemble there a cloud of smoke by day and a glow of flaming fire by night; over everything the glory will be a canopy. It will be a shelter and shade from the heat of the day, and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain."
I believe these Glory Pods are cities and communities of refuge from the present and coming storms on the earth. They are God-created systems established and designed as a network. They are metrons, possessing the dynamic of the supernatural, where food, spiritual weapons of authority and heavenly provision are stored.
The Greek word "metron" is used in 2 Corinthians 10:13 and is translated as "a measure" or "a portion" in the verse, or a sphere. These are spheres set apart for God and His purposes – His portion. A metron, in physics, is a two-dimensional quantum of multi-dimensional space. By this definition, I believe it reveals that God is creating measured-out spheres, or pods of glory, where Heaven meets Earth, and will be imbued with a tangible dynamic of the supernatural.
These pods are spheres and portals where the angelic ascend and descend with strategies, provision and assistance. They work to accomplish the will of God in partnership with saints who have been intentional about becoming one cooperative system – one network – functioning in unity, working together to advance the cause of Christ... (continue reading)