From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Dear Elijah Listers,
Many of you have learned that when God prophesies through prophets or prophetesses, HE almost always speaks in some level of code. Rather than say it straight out, God often hides some of the meaning because as the Scripture says:
Proverbs 25:2, "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings."
In addition to that, God uses numbers "like crazy" (my words) and there is so much math and many math clues. God often causes numbers to speak, and this is how the Hebrew language even works, with words very often meaning numbers and numbers meaning words.
Do don't be surprised at all by the numbers you are about to read.
Finally, God often speaks in other types of code which you will find out as you read about SOROS below.
This word from the Lord is a TIME-SENSITIVE word and it's also urgent to read because as Johnny Enlow writes:
"I have been speaking for some time saying how we are in the midst of an Exodus-like "rescue operation" from Heaven, and this will become much more evident in what remains of the Jewish year 5780"! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

I am excited to share this revelation from the Holy Spirit. Tuesday, July 14 begins a 67 day period of God's face shining on us in this nation. This grace is to take care of matters that only He can take care of. When Scripture speaks of, "God's face shining," it is always about Him coming close and showing unique favor. We are in a time where our hearts need to be secured in the joy of trusting in a present and active God. His face shines on those who look to Him when everything else screams out to be the focus. Psalm 67 and Psalm 80 tell four times of God making His face shine upon us, and they are the only Psalms to use that language. Those two Psalms speak volumes to us at this time.
July 14 is 7/14, and it coincides with 2 Chronicles 7:14. The famous, "If My people, which are called by My name..." passage begins with our part of reaching out and up to Him, but then concludes with the truly critical part of the equation, "THEN I WILL..." We are in the midst of a great storm where even once we have done everything we know how to do – it is not enough if He doesn't intervene. He has heard us and is intervening. The delay in Him freeing us from the storm is that He has already taken authority over the storm, is ruling in the storm, and accomplishing so very much in the midst of the storm. In the future this will become so much clearer.
September 18: First Day of Rosh Hashanah (New Year)
The other bookend for the 67 day period is the first day of Rosh Hashanah and the beginning of the new year in the Hebraic calendar. This period is the final 67 days of the year 5780. A year ago, we noted the importance of the shift into the 80s decade with the Hebrew word PEY (meaning "mouth" or "breath") having a numerical value of 80, and it being prophetically significant. In the year since Rosh Hashanah 5780, we have had "mouths" and "breaths" highlighted beyond what we could have imagined. The whole world has their mouths covered with masks because of a bioengineered virus that in its' worst version attacks your breath.
Furthermore, the catalyst for the national riots and demonstrations was a man whose last dying words were, "I can't breathe," (that we all watched in horror) as a policeman suffocated him with his knee on his throat. What an attack on PEY we have seen in 2020. Our area of challenge is still our area of promise. 2020 isn't over yet. We have 67 game-changer days before us as He shines His face upon us.
Psalm 80 Over the Next 67 Days
Psalm 80 (NLT) has the phrase, "MAKE YOUR FACE SHINE DOWN UPON US. ONLY THEN will we be saved," repeated three times (verses 3, 7 and 19). It is a chapter that begins with the plea, "Please listen, O Shepherd of Israel" and "SHOW US Your mighty power. Come to RESCUE US." I have been speaking for some time saying how we are in the midst of an Exodus-like "rescue operation" from Heaven, and this will become much more evident in what remains of the Jewish year 5780. We are and have been beyond self-rescue capability. Passover is still playing out and so is Pentecost. We need them both all year—a Passover Rescue and a Pentecost Empowerment. Both come to us when His face shines upon us. When His face doesn't shine upon us we wither and die.
Psalm 67 and the '67 Summer of Love
The convergence of prophetic numbers is unreal for the last 67 days before Rosh Hashanah. First of all, it connects us again to Psalm 67, which "coincidentally" begins with, "May God be gracious to us and bless us and MAKE HIS FACE SHINE UPON US." This Psalm then goes on to speak of His "saving power among people everywhere" (verse 2). The rescue operation is to positively impact ALL NATIONS... (continue reading)