From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
There is so much God is doing right now, especially in our hearts.
He is revealing Himself in a new way and showing us areas that need to be let go of personally and corporately.
Yes, He is doing a clean sweep to many areas and in our nation...that's a fact!
Read this uplifting word from Kathi Pelton and let it equip you to pray for our nation. Let's be a part of the solution and be a part of His clean up crew! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

When I was a child, every Saturday my siblings and I were required to thoroughly clean our rooms. One time, I remember not wanting to clean so I took all the clothes that had been scattered through my room and threw them on my closet floor and closed the doors. Then I took the papers, books and homework and shoved them in my desk drawers in a haphazard way. Finally, I took everything else and just pushed it under my bed to hide it from sight.
After vacuuming and dusting I called my mom to let her know that I was done. She walked in (probably realizing that it was too soon for me to have properly cleaned) and when she saw a "seemingly" immaculate room, she became suspicious and opened my closet door. Of course, my hidden mess poured out upon her feet, and what didn't fall was quickly tossed out by her. Then she headed to my bed, lifted the bedspread to look under it, and the true hidden mess and deception was revealed. Everything was thrown out into the middle of my room and now it all looked worse than before I had begun.
I thought of this memory as I've observed the state of our nation.
A Mess Revealed
Less than six months ago everything looked clean, in order and right, but suddenly something came and opened our closet doors and pulled out all that was hidden from sight; suddenly we have a bigger mess than before.
But, just like when I was a child and hid my mess—nothing was actually cleaned at all. The mess in our nation was merely hidden from sight. Most didn't want to deal with it or see it exposed because we don't like "mess." We had learned to live contently without uncovering the mess or exposing all that was hidden.
When my mess was exposed (as a child) I was forced to truly clean it up; to bring order and alignment to every area. But first, everything had to be pulled out from the hidden places and exposed. I believe, that is where we are as a nation. (Photo via Piqsels)
So, God first began with His Bride. From March through May God opened the door of our hearts and exposed the clutter and mess that was keeping us from making room for Him. Many of us in the Body of Christ took these months to get our hearts clean and make room for Him. Remember, God always looks for a remnant to work through. Also, there had been a time of exposure within the Church because God always cleans His house first.
God's Clean-Up Crew
Once He had cleaned, prepared and aligned His remnant's hearts it was time to pull out everything under the bedrock of our nation. Yes, it's a mess and it's all been pulled out and thrown into the light for all to see. Although it may not feel like "our mess," we need to know that it is the mess we knew existed and yet did not want to look at or even know what to do about. Now it is laid out for all to see and it is the Church that will be given authority and wisdom regarding what to do to bring it back into divine order... (continue reading)