Intro from Patricia King:

Ruth Hendrickson is a stellar leader in the Body of Christ. She is a trainer in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and is an accurate prophetic voice.
I honor and respect her ministry to the Body.
I pray her word today encourages you deeply. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Patricia King
Founder of Patricia King Ministries
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In 1963, prayer was officially taken out of the school system here in the United States. Since that time, we have seen the decline of moral values, and it has impacted every segment of society in some manner. The removal of prayer was calculated, and it was successful.
As we navigate through the pandemic, one of the issues currently being debated is corporate worship. As you read through this word, I ask that we all remember a couple of things.
• As the Body of Christ, we need to remember that we have many wonderful people making the best decisions that they can make. Scripture states that our battle is not against each other, but it is against principalities and powers (Eph. 6:12). We must extend grace and mercy to those around us.
• We also need wisdom that flows from heavenly realms. Matthew 10:16 reminds us to be as "wise as serpents and harmless as doves."
Can You Hear Heaven Sounding the Alarm?
I hear the courts of Heaven sounding an alarm. Immediately I am reminded of a smoke alarm going off to warn us that there is smoke, and where there is smoke, there is often fire. I hear God saying, "My people are at a critical moment and how they handle this moment, as the Body of Christ, will impact whether the Church moves forward or becomes silent."
In the letter to the church in Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-22), the Lord points out that the church is lukewarm, neither cold nor hot. I would suggest that through the events of life, this church had become neutralized, ineffective, and harmless to the enemy. By today's standard, you could say that they gathered corporately but had no impact from either an earthly or from a heavenly perspective. Therefore, they did not model the love, power, or presence of Almighty God. (Photo via Unsplash)
The Body of Christ has made a fantastic shift to on-line platforms through a necessary season; however, in the midst of that, we cannot make other sacrifices that will weaken the Church's power and allow it to become just another gathering. For years I have taught that the Body of Christ needs to take off their "masks" so they can truly reflect the image of God. A mask covers your features and, when over your mouth, muffles your voice.
The Battle to Silence Our Worship
At present, there is a battle brewing to silence corporate worship in many areas. Some will argue that worship can take place at home. It can, it should, and it must. However, that can never negate the need for corporate worship. Some will argue that the projected vocal power from singing can spread germs; that may be true, but...what price are we going to pay from a spiritual perspective? The other side is that corporate worship sends demons fleeing, breaks down walls, opens up the heavens, ushers in healing, paves the way for God's presence, and more.
Remember, we have health officials all over the world who have been lovingly concerned about the spreading of COVID-19, and we need to honor their efforts. Is it possible that the enemy has used good intentions to host another agenda within some aspects of the guidelines that are coming forth? Recall again that we need to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Remember who our battle is against. It is not against each other... (continue reading)