From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Victoria Boyson is one prolific writer...she is often taken up into heavenly realms where the Lord gives her incredible visions for the Body of Christ.
I've sure enjoyed reading her encounters with the Lord over the years and she has been one of our faithful writers at the Elijah List.
In her recent visions with the Lord, He showed her much about the revival that is coming on the earth. I want you to read this for yourself...but will tell you this: God is NOT done with this nation, or the nations of the earth for that matter. Don't believe that lie but instead believe God has much yet to accomplish on the earth...through you.
Enjoy this exciting throne room vision from Victoria and receive the powerful insight and prayer she offers to you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

In the Throne Room with Jesus
In prayer, I was met by the Spirit of the Lord who caught me up in Himself. I was surrounded and held by Him. Peacefully, gently, expectantly, we rose through Earth's atmosphere into the expanse of space, where I saw sentinel angels standing guard at their posts in the cosmos. They were tremendous beings, stationed at varying intervals as we drew closer and closer to Heaven. Even more powerful and immense than can be imagined, each mighty sentinel angel held their position of protection with ease. Although diligently watching for danger, they were not uneasy in the least.
Finally, we broke through into the throne room of Heaven. I knew we had been expected, for Jesus' eyes searched for mine. He was standing next to the Father's throne with one hand resting on a finial on the back of the throne. In that moment, all else was still except Him. He was as I have always seen Him but for the mighty wind that emanated from His being, as if He were a terrific storm. Although visibly heavy, His robes blew out around Him and the train of His robe – about 15 feet – wafted in all directions, blending into the clouds of the Presence that hovered above the imperceptible foundation of the room.
The Bear and the Lion
I was so happy to finally witness the magnificent luminance of the throne room again. It was peaceful and joyous – celebratory, yet earnest. Jesus motioned with His hand for me to come closer to the throne. As I did, I beheld a powerful brute of a bear as it raced in. Upon him rode a woman who wore a crown. In one hand, she held the reins of the bear, while in the other she carried an unfurled Christian flag glistening white, red and blue. The dauntless pair rode as if to battle, which became more apparent by the golden sword blazing with fire above them. This was the sword of the Lord.
Suddenly, my focus shifted to a lion who peered out sheepishly from behind the throne of God. Though small, he was not a cub. The maneless creature was timid, but my spirit was delighted he was there. In the next moment, I saw a vision of the animal in the future, fully grown, potent and intrepid. His head was crowned with a magnificent mane as he roared powerfully into the atmosphere.
Unexpectedly, I realized that the lion and bear represented the churches in England and Russia. Consequently, my thoughts shifted to America. As the first two churches had been presented as their animal counterparts, I searched the room for the American eagle, but to no avail.
My eyes were captivated by the rolling waves of the Spirit which hovered all through the place as if the waves themselves were a living being. I put my hand out to touch them and was met with peace and serenity. As I did, I saw that, from behind the throne, a giant bowl of liquid gold was being poured into the clouds of the Spirit as it flowed out through them... (continue reading)