WLR Newsletter: No BF (we promise) | Christmas Countdown Plan | Short of Sunshine?


Hi Kuka,

If you’ve been thinking about slimming down a bit by Christmas, but haven’t got around to it yet, don’t panic – make use of wlr's Christmas Countdown plan.

There are menus for 14 days, easy to mix and match for maximum effect in 4 weeks - without getting bored.

There's a PDF to make it easy, get the plan

Are You Getting Enough Sunshine Vitamin?

Vitamin D plays very important roles in keeping us healthy - including our immune system, bones and muscle function.

Plus, according to this new analysis, reducing the risk of cancer becoming fatal.

The problem is, since we get most of this vital vitamin from sunshine, many of us are deficient in winter months – possibly more so in current circumstances.

This study underlines the vitamin’s importance to our health, showing substantially reduced risk of cancer becoming fatal among those taking vitamin D supplements.

It’s rare for us to recommend supplements of any kind at wlr, but vitamin D could save your life, here's why

Higher Carb Can Help You Slim

This study turns low carb on its head. Just keep it lean and fairly green, find out more

16 Tips to Stop Winter Weight Gain

You're not alone if you feel the need to eat more in the winter. Studies have shown the urge to eat more is linked to levels of light and our body's seasonal rhythms, get the tips 

Personal Note on Vit D

After writing about this study, I ordered Vitamin D for myself and OH. The NHS already recommends it be taken in winter months. It's worth a read


I'd love you to hear your comments on the newsletter, please reply if you have any thoughts. And of course we're all here if you have questions or need some help. You can get in touch by phone or email - we always reply.

Thank you for reading,

Weight Loss Resources
01733 345592


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Weight Loss Resources Ltd, 2C Flag Business Exchange, Vicarage Farm Road, Peterborough PE1 5TX