Do you or your child have eczema? Have you gone through TSW? Please take our Survey!!  TSW Community – YOUR VOICE IS NEEDED to help inform medical bodies about how current eczema treatments are working or not working for patients. ITSAN and Allergy & Asthma Network have developed a survey that will capture how treatments and medications are affecting patients, including the exposure to and cumulative effects of steroids, topical or otherwise. Our hope is that the data collected in this international survey will result in the re-evaluation of steroid medications, product label changes – including appropriate usage guidelines and warnings - and a change to the way doctors understand and treat eczema and other chronic skin conditions. How long have you suffered from the effects of overexposure to steroids? My son did for 6 years -- that comes to 3,153,600 minutes. I will definitely be taking 15 of those minutes to document our experience and change the tide of TSW, will you? As a bonus, upon completing the survey, 50 people will be randomly chosen to receive a $50 gift card. Please take action today (the survey will only be open through the end of this month and your identity will be kept anonymous) and share with every TSW/Eczema Warrior you know to join us in our efforts to end the suffering. Together our voices are powerful!!! Survey tips - If you are a care-giver responding on behalf of your child, please enter your age when beginning the survey, as respondents need to be 18 yrs or older. You will have an opportunity to enter your's child's age afterward. Please have any medications handy to make it easy to input what they are and take your time reading through the questions as there is no back button. You will be asked questions about the beginning of eczema, eczema at its worst (not TSW), if you went through TSW and what the severity was, and lastly, how your skin is now. Jolene and her son, Max, raising their voices! Thank you!  Jolene MacDonald ITSAN, Secretary  |