Feb 01, 18:00

Health feed - News BreaK Wednesday, February 1, 2023 5:27 PM
     "You just can't exercise your way to living to 100"

Health feed - News BreaK Wednesday, February 1, 2023 4:57 PM
     In a first-of-its-kind enforcement, the Federal Trade Commission has imposed a $1.5 million penalty on telehealth and prescription drug discount provider GoodRx Holdings Inc...

Health feed - News BreaK Wednesday, February 1, 2023 4:31 PM
     The Yale School of Public Health honored 9-year-old Bobbi Wilson for her efforts to curb the presence of an invasive species, the spotted lantern fly.

Health feed - News BreaK Wednesday, February 1, 2023 4:25 PM
     In a first-of-its-kind enforcement, the Federal Trade Commission has imposed a $1.5 million penalty on telehealth and prescription drug discount provider GoodRx Holdings Inc...

Health feed - News BreaK Wednesday, February 1, 2023 4:03 PM
     Lung cancer rates have risen by 79% for women in the last 44 years while they fell 43% for men, the American Lung Association says.

Health feed - News BreaK Wednesday, February 1, 2023 3:29 PM
     The number of procedures has more than halved over the past decade, according to the country's health minister Abortion numbers in Russia have fallen significantly over the...

Health feed - News BreaK Wednesday, February 1, 2023 3:13 PM
     The FTC order against GoodRx includes a $1.5 million civil penalty for allegedly violating the agency's Health Breach Notification Rule

Health feed - News BreaK Wednesday, February 1, 2023 2:55 PM
     SPRINGDALE, Ark. - Tyson Foods has announced new changes meant to improve team member relationships and workplace culture in the U.S. According to a media release from the...

Health feed - News BreaK Wednesday, February 1, 2023 2:55 PM
     It's really great when people's lives are made better, but mass uplift should not be subject to the goodwill or charity of a few. This is the major takeaway of a new viral...

Health feed - News BreaK Wednesday, February 1, 2023 2:41 PM
     Developer Jubao Xie has secured the next chapter for the world's tallest Holiday Inn. A federal bankruptcy judge approved Xie's plan to make the Financial District hotel at 99...

WebMD Health Wednesday, February 1, 2023 3:24 PM
     The Biden administration announced Monday that it will be ending the twin emergency declarations of COVID-19, marking the switch from COVID-19 "pandemic" to "endemic" status. Here's what to know.

WebMD Health Wednesday, February 1, 2023 1:52 PM
     Side effects from the drug semaglutide can range from nausea and vomiting to premature aging of the face, as well as heart problems.

WebMD Health Wednesday, February 1, 2023 1:20 PM
     The use of vitamin D supplements may reduce the risk of suicide attempts and self-harm in U.S. veterans, a new study says. In particular, Black veterans and those with low blood levels of vitamin D had the most significant response to the supplements.

WebMD Health Wednesday, February 1, 2023 12:57 PM
     Nonstop inflammation and immune problems top the list of potential causes of long COVID, but doctors say it's growing clear that more than one factor is to blame for the wide swath of often debilitating symptoms that could last months or even years.

Mark's Daily Apple Wednesday, February 1, 2023 11:00 AM

When most people think about lifting weights, they think about their biceps, triceps, shoulders, and lats. Their legs, quads, hamstrings, glutes. They think about what to do with the body parts that move, that hold the weight, that push against the ground—but neglect to think about the abdominal muscles that brace, resist movement and allow you to even lift the weight in the first place. Abdominal bracing isn't flashy or sexy, but it's the most important part of lifting weights and moving your body through time and space. The best way to train your abdominal muscles are not sit ups, crunches, or leg lifts- it's bracing, intra-abdominal bracing, or abdominal bracing. Whenever you move your body or lift a weight, you practice abdominal bracing. In fact, this bracing, this increase in intra-abdominal pressure, occurs spontaneously whenever you move your limbs. That's how central it is to human movement. If you want to deadlift, squat, or overhead press, you brace. If you want to throw a punch or throw a ball, you brace. If you want to jump over on obstacle or dunk a basketball, you brace. Abdominal bracing allows force to transfer efficiently throughout your body so you can act on the physical world. If you don't practice abdominal bracing, you lose energy, drop force production, and open yourself up to injury. Another reason to focus on and perfect abdominal bracing is that it's a great "ab workout." By fulfilling the primary function of the abdominal muscles—to stabilize the body in order to transmit force—you also give your entire abdominal complex the greatest workout ever. The heavier the weight or the faster the movement, the more bracing you require and the greater the training stimulus you've just applied. The better your abdominal bracing, the more force you can generate. The more force you generate, the more force your abs will have to resist. The more force your abs resist, the stronger your abdominal muscles—all of them—grow. Now, the thing about abdominal bracing is that we're always doing it. It's a subconscious autonomic response of your body to movement and lifting. Actually, it's more than a response. It happens before the movement, almost as a forecast or prediction. The contraction of the diaphragm and tensing of the abdominal muscles occur before you actually move. How to Practice Proper Abdominal Bracing Stand up right now and try this out. The only way to understand abdominal bracing is to actually do it in practice. 1. Prepare to take a punch. Imagine you're about to take a punch. What do you do? You tighten your abs, engage your core, engage your erector spinae (back muscles that run down your spine), tighten your butt hole, and gird your loins. Apologies for the language but there's no getting around it. 2. Take a breath into your belly. Keeping your core engaged and tight in preparation for the "punch," take a nasal breath into your belly. A big one. Now, the air won't be going into your belly, … Continue reading "What is Abdominal Bracing and How to Do It?"

The post What is Abdominal Bracing and How to Do It? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.