From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This latest article by Kent Simpson will s-t-r-e-t-c-h you a bit and expand your thinking.
This is powerful and the words "mysteries revealed" came to me while reading through Kent's word.
Here are a couple of excerpts by Kent that will most certainly pique your interest:
New revelation has come this week, so you can expect to hear something today that you have never heard before... I have gone before our Lord and asked if He would show me what happens when we begin to pray in our spirit language. Here is what the Holy Spirit began to show me...
After reading this, I encourage you to ask the Lord for more heavenly insight as well as ask Him to expand your heavenly language. We have certainly not arrived yet and still have a great deal to we will be learning about the Lord for eternity! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Angels and the Gift of Tongues"
Kent Simpson, Gainesville, Texas
New revelation has come this week, so you can expect to hear something today that you have never heard before. The video that accompanies this short article (link below) will go into much more detail. Here are some highlights regarding the two or more revelations regarding "Angels and the Gift of Tongues".
In the law, it is written: "'With men of other tongues and other lips I will speak to this people; And yet, for all that, they will not hear Me,' says the Lord" (1 Corinthians 14:21).
Finally, our Lord has made sense of the gift of tongues in a way that is plain as the nose on your face; however, the vast majority of us have been missing this incredible truth. In fact, this new revelation is stretching boundaries that once existed but now are gone; the mysteries of His Kingdom are being slowly unveiled. Each day a little more is uncovered for all to know.
Pentecost and Tongues
"If you could see in the spirit while you are praying in the spirit, you would see one angel after another stepping up to receive their marching orders." |
Going back to the beginning of Pentecost we see where the baptism of the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were in the upper room. We can make a clear distinction of what happened once they began to speak in other tongues. Fifteen or more foreigners heard their native language spoken from the upper room. This was an amazing event for several reasons. Being the fulfillment of the prophecy from Joel 2:28-32. The visual sign that all must have seen in the upper room; cloven tongues of fire came down upon them is an unforgettable experience. There was power distributed to all who would believe and they did receive the manifestation of His promise.
The point is that this type of supernatural event has not happened at this level since that day. It truly was a sign to all nations that no matter what language you speak or what your nationality is—you can speak the language of God if you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, the baptism of Christ Jesus.
We probably all have heard of someone who did not know how to speak in the language of the people whom they were with, so they began to speak in their heavenly language. Surprisingly, the people understood and reported that they were speaking at the highest level of perfection in their native tongue; however, the person speaking did not understand one word they said. It is true, you can witness a miracle of tongues coming at a time where you really needed one but none have had a group effect like that in the upper room; at least nothing recorded.
Speaking to Angels
Just this week the Holy Spirit began showing me something that made me shout out loud. I can tell you this one revelation (that I'm about to tell you) really gave me understanding and I pray it does for you too. (Photo by Jennifer Page "Brush of Angels Wings" via
You have probably noticed that when you take the time to pray in your heavenly language life begins to come together in a much better way. It's when we fail to pray that our life becomes chaotic and not in sync with God's Kingdom.
I have gone before our Lord and asked if He would show me what happens when we begin to pray in our spirit language. Here is what the Holy Spirit began to show me... (continue reading)