From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a most eye-opening word from Johnny Enlow. I could describe it with some Ps: potent, powerful, prolific and of course prophetic...I would also add pro-active as it provides us with some much needed plans to prepare and pray for what God wants to do!
If you've been following Johnny Enlow's articles, you know that he is not one to shy away from subject matter nor sugar coat what he is speaking...and that's his style. Know that as you read through his word.
This is a bit lengthy, so I'll let you get right at it. Grab a cup of coffee and please thoroughly read through and make sure to forward on to others as well! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Harvey, Houston, Hope and Joel's Army"
Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA
As I write this post the rain is still falling in Houston. What reportedly is the worst rainstorm in US history continues to drench Texas and now Louisiana before it heads north to perhaps flood other states. In a matter of a few days, more than 50 inches of rain have fallen. Surely no city on the earth could take that much water in such a short time without dire consequences. As of this moment, the low loss of life has to be considered miraculous. Yet, a preliminary estimate has the damages of this disaster exceeding 50 billion dollars with a timetable of years before "normality" will ever come back to Houston, if at all. Even early in this process I believe that the Lord has something to say: Houston will rise again and be famed as a City of Hope—but I will get to that in a moment.
First, I will address some relevant questions being asked:
Was it Judgment from God?
Suddenly prophecies of "judgment" have surfaced everywhere attaching Houston's flooding to the large abortion center they have there or the fact that they had a gay mayor. As I ponder on that, I wonder why the city would not be flooded WHILE the gay mayor was still in office, and not sure why God couldn't figure out how to isolate the abortion center with the flooding. If He is into saving innocent lives, why is He allowing so much harm to thousands of innocents (with some deaths) in order to teach that lesson? Could He not have just hit the abortion clinic with lightning bolts and made the message a little clearer?
Why does God destroy the livelihood of thousands of innocents to judge the sin of a few? Even the "Old Testament God" wouldn't destroy Sodom and Gomorrah "if there were but 10 righteous." Yet, here He is wiping out a city of millions in order to get to the evil minority? Tragically this type of thinking represents the status quo thinking for so many Believers today. Sadly, it reveals our own broken perception of our Father, which we then confidently/defiantly pass on to others. For the record, I don't believe that this represents judgment from God. As Jesus told His own "judgment expectant" disciples in Luke 9:56 when they wanted to call down fire from Heaven on those who resisted God in the flesh (could there a greater offense?): "the Son of Man came not to destroy lives but to save lives."
Was it the Devil?
Well, one thing we know is that the devil has a very reduced vision and mission statement and that is "to steal, kill and destroy." Any time there is anything stolen, anyone killed or anything destroyed, it is good to suspect his involvement. Furthermore, if people misbehaving (sin) gives him a legal right to destroy a city or nation, surely there is no city or nation in the world that is safe. However, though under substantial satanic duress, the world continues to expand its population, cities continue to grow, and even nations advance. Why is not every city with "abominable sinners" under water? If the answer to that question is that intercessors stem the judgment, then why were they ignored in Houston? I happen to know there are some good ones there. Now, I am not necessarily going to give a lot of neat and tidy answers to matters that there aren't neat and tidy answers for, but let me just tell you what I am hearing from the Lord: "Creation too has a voice."
When Creation Groans and Travails
Romans 8:22 says that "...creation groans and travails for the revealing of the sons of God." What it doesn't tell us is HOW creation groans and travails and what that looks like. I will suggest to you that many so-called natural disasters are neither God, satan or chance, but an expression of creation crying out for the children of God to be who they are supposed to be—so that creation itself can be what it is called to be. Romans 8:21 says that "...creation itself, will be brought into the glorious liberty of the sons of God."
I suppose in some way it could be considered... (continue reading)