| | John Sandford says "...'Parables in the Night Seasons' is the best, most Biblical book on dreams I’ve ever read, bar none — including my own." PLUS... The sequel to this book is now available, titled "Watchman, Watchman, What of the Night?" | JOHN SANDFORD SAYS THIS ABOUT “Parables in the Night Seasons” by Joy Parrott: Parables in the Night Seasons, subtitled "Understanding Your Dreams," is the best, most thoroughly Biblical book on the subject I have ever read, bar none, including my own chapters on dreams and visions! Joy combines practical common sense and high spirituality, deep insights and simple humility, in a teaching so clear and profound that I intend to make the book required reading for all of our prayer counselors in all our Elijah Houses, national and international, and in all our affiliates. Parrott parrots no one else - forgive the too obvious pun. Her insights are unique, while at the same moment consonant with the many dreamers of the Bible whom she quotes so deftly. Those who would learn to make sense of the often mysterious and confusing language of the world of dreams will find solid sign posts here that lead to growth in clear comprehension. Chapters Six, Seven and Eight, "Watchman Dreams," "Pizza Dreams," and "Double Dreams," are so valuable as alone to be worth more than the price of purchase and study. I can hardly wait for the sequel, Watchman, Watchman, What of the Night? This is that time in history in which God is raising His prophets for His end-time purposes. "If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you"... Deuteronomy 13:1 makes it unequivocal that the Lord regards prophets and dreamers as one and the same. Unfortunately, the Body of Christ for the most part, has not yet grasped that. It is imperative that at least His prophets, and hopefully the entire Body, come to comprehend how important this aspect of prophets' equipment actually is, and that all His prophets become adept both in having their own dreams and in interpreting theirs and those of others. One cannot read Parables in the Night Seasons without awakening to the need to go to sleep and dream. If for that reason alone, the book is timely and a valuable gift from the Lord for this time especially. To Be Required Reading in Elijah House Schools | Though filled with examples and stories, Parables...it is not to be enjoyed and put down, only to pick up the next exciting book. It ought to become a manual for study in all the Lord's various "green trees" (training places for beginning prophets). It will become so in our Elijah House schools. Parables... is meant to be put to work. Its pages call us from ho-hum acceptance of our dreams into intercessory labor and warfare for our Lord. The Church cries out for watchmen to arise. Tragedies can be prevented. Blessings can be prayed in, lest His messenger angels languish on the way, inhibited by the 'princes of Persia' that need to be defeated. God wants listening ears, and He often prefers to speak to us through the medium of dream language. It behooves us, therefore, to study to be workmen that need not to be ashamed - or to miss the fervent callings of the Lord. I pray God may prosper both the sales and the effects of Parables in the Night Seasons, lest the night come when no man can work - or dream. May the Day of the Lord arise with healing in its wings (Malachi 4:1-3) - because we have learned to dream in the night!" —John Loren Sandford, Co-Founder, Elijah House, Inc. | | | | |  | September 1, 2017 | | | | | | | | |