From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a very encouraging word from Angela I know many in the Body have felt severe attacks this year. BUT God always has plans to protect and bring great healing and restoration in any areas where you've felt attacked. In fact, God is going to cause us to rise up and annihilate the enemy... Now I really like that!
Angela shares this about a vision the Lord gave her of His people being attacked and what will come out of it:
After the Lord began to give me insight about the vision, I started to pray. I heard the Father say, "You must release the four corners of Heaven. Annihilate the enemy." I did not fully understand the vision, interpretation or his instructions to me at first, but I understand their importance more than ever now. Many have been so tested this year. He said, "Pray right now to release the four winds of Heaven to begin blowing upon those bound in the valley of dry bones!" So I did. I began to declare, "I prophesy that God's anointed will rise up and live!"
It's time Church...time for us to Rise Up as His great army! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Rise Up Eagle Army and Annihilate the Enemy"
Angela Greenig, Auburn, WA
In December 2016, I committed myself to fasting and prayer at the end of the year. As someone to whom the Lord reveals visions and dreams often, I am used to receiving insight from Him in this manner; but I had a very different vision in December of last year. I saw the spirit of Leviathan rise up and I saw that great damage was being done on the earth, and also done to God's people. The devil's strategy was being unfurled, and his attack was against many men and women of God.
On January 1, 2017, I then awoke and abruptly heard the sound of snakes, which I saw begin to move around the room in the spirit (not in the natural). I thought to myself, "This old serpent has been around since before the garden of Eden. He still wants to seduce, lie, twist, coil, and destroy our inheritance our destiny—basically curse us!"
I saw these snakes begin to encroach on the gateways of the city, and the coast was lined with major demonic powers. This continued to spread until the four corners of the earth were engrossed; it looked like a huge spider web being spun. I knew immediately in my spirit that a specific demonic assault had begun.
"...2018 will be a year of recovery, healing, clarity, and restoration." |
Throughout the year of 2017, the Father continued to unravel details of this vision to me, and has been giving me divine insight to speak and prophesy to His people about its meaning.
After the Lord began to give me insight about the vision, I started to pray. I heard the Father say, "You must release the four corners of Heaven. Annihilate the enemy." I did not fully understand the vision, interpretation or his instructions to me at first, but I understand their importance more than ever now. Many have been so tested this year. He said, "Pray right now to release the four winds of Heaven to begin blowing upon those bound in the valley of dry bones!" So I did. I began to declare, "I prophesy that God's anointed will rise up and live!"
Out of the Valley of Dry Bones: A Great Army!
Many of you are coming out of the valley of Jehoshaphat, which means the valley of decision. Lord, I ask for Your Ruach (the breath of Your Holy Spirit) to breathe on Your people, and allow the bones to come together. (Photo via Unsplash)
As the Body comes together in right alignment, so will His divine order come into right alignment! Those of you who have been truly ordained, called, and touched by God, your time for Kingdom alignment is now. The destruction and chaos the enemy has released in your life in the past 12 months is coming to an end! The Lord is commanding the darkness to bow and surrender. What was held back from you as God's people will be no longer withheld.
As I write this, I'm hearing a sound from The Valley of Dry Bones. It is time for the bones to arise. I now release the West wind to begin to blow.
Then He said to me... (continue reading)