| | Anne Elmer Books | In "Transported by the Lion of Judah," Jesus LITERALLY Transported Anne Throughout the Whole Earth It's Elijah List's Best-Selling Book EVER! | ALSO... Anne's Newest Book is Titled "Creation Waits for Who?" |  | Steve Shultz | Dear Elijah List Readers (and your friends), The Lion of Judah LITERALLY Transported Anne Throughout the Whole Earth; Then Into a Buddhist Temple. As this amazing book by Anne Elmer has now reached its 4th printing, we are pleased to tell you that "Transported by the Lion of Judah" has sold more copies than any book we've ever carried. You can also now get Anne's long-awaited 2nd book titled "Creation Waits for WHO?"... just scroll down to the bottom of this email to check it out! This is one of the most amazing AND TRUE stories I've ever read and it's by a person I know well. My wife and I stayed in Anne Elmer and her husband's home in France. When she shared her story, I KNEW it had to be a book. Anne agreed and our readers have spoken by purchasing so many copies of this amazing narrative about what REALLY HAPPENED TO HER as THE LION FLEW HER THROUGHOUT THE EARTH! Jesus, as the Lion of Judah, literally came into Anne's room and offered to take her on MULTIPLE trips throughout the earth... including into a Buddhist temple. The Lion (Jesus) was so intense, it surprised Anne. Growling, the Lion scared off demons and yet insisted to Anne that HE had the RIGHT TO BE HERE in this Buddhist temple because so many Christians had toured this place and prayed that Jesus would reveal Himself to many in this place—even though it was currently dedicated to the huge Buddha in the building! The LION was fierce with PURPOSE because of those prayers! Though this whole book is true, you'll find yourself exclaiming, time after time, "UNBELIEVABLE!!" Prepare to have your view of "The Church" changed forever, and I mean it! Trust me when I say that you will not want to miss reading this book. We are encouraged by the Lord to learn HIS WAYS. This book will go a LONG WAY to LEARN HIS WAYS and HIS THOUGHTS. Again I ask you to trust me that you will say to yourself, "I never thought of it that way before!" That's how it was for me! I just was amazed at God's way of thinking about the saved and the unsaved! You'll remember that Paul, the Apostle was literally "caught up" into a "transported" experience, as was John the Revelator, probably more than once. Often they didn’t know if their experience was "in the body or out of the body" but they knew they were caught up and they were allowed sometimes to tell us some or all of what they saw. Yet other times they were DIS-allowed from sharing the content of their visitation experience. Fortunately for you, the reader, Anne is allowed to speak of her experience through this book. I can tell you that this story has forever changed my heart and my understandings about how God loves those...even those "caught" in very DRY CHURCHES...you will be amazed. And even those people who don't seem to practice the Gifts of the Spirit...you'll learn the amazing grace of God's heart. And for those who are seeking but have not found Christ yet—you'll learn the heart of Jesus and His plans for them too! This incredible Book is available to you in your choice of the 4 different formats below... Click on the one(s) you wish to purchase: 1. Paperback Book 2. Audio Book on 2 CDs 3. Audio Book in MP3 Download 4. E-Book in PDF Download Formats 1 and 2 will be shipped to you, while formats 3 and 4 are download files — you will receive a link at the end of your purchase to immediately download either format to your computer. Get one or get more, as these life changing, paradigm shifting stories are priceless! And don't forget to add Anne’s long-awaited 2nd book titled "Creation Waits for WHO?"... just scroll down to the bottom of this email to check it out! Blessings, Steve Shultz Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News http://www.elijahlist.com | | | The Apostle Paul was caught up and shown things so spectacular, he wasn't even allowed to tell some of them. Phillip was transported in the Spirit from the baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch to another city. John the Revelator was told to "come up here" so that God could show him things to come. And still today, hundreds, if not thousands, of God's people are continuing to have "caught up" experiences where God shows them marvelous revelation for the Church. Anne Elmer never saw it coming. Yet before she knew it, the Lord was transporting her all over the earth, in multiple experiences, on a “literal” Lion — THE Lion of Judah — to see God’s people from different people groups and in many countries, but no longer from her perspective. Paperback Book $9.99  | Download E-Book $6.99  | Audio Book on CD $12.99  | Audio Book on MP3 $9.99  | Here is what others are saying about TRANSPORTED BY THE LION OF JUDAH "I was absolutely amazed when reading chapter 13. Although this 'church' was set in Denmark, it was the exact same situation of a church on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia where I have been going. I had been 'sent' from 60 miles away, two times per week, 'to lift Jesus Higher' from within this place, for a period of over 3 years. Although it has been an absolute pleasure before God, it has been sad and difficult, even heartbreaking, on the ground. Here I felt deeply moved and 'saw' the precious 'church' I have been attending for so long, and am now in CERTAIN anticipation of the Lord's own marvelous work. Not that I doubted, but now I am POSITIVE. It is exactly the same. Exactly! I do indeed Praise the Lord, for what He has shown me is indeed in process. What He has shown Anne is indeed in process. God, Himself, shall indeed redeem His people. His Church shall indeed arise on eagle's wings. He shall indeed deal with the matter for His victory and His glory. Praise His Holy Name. Blessing and Honor, Glory and Power, be unto Him who sits upon the throne. Blessings and Love in Him who first loved us. Agape." – M. Austin | | Anne's 2nd book – "Creation Waits for WHO?" | "Creation is waiting for He who is within YOU to be revealed to the world, and the Spirit is ready to lead you into the fullness of your calling. Anne powerfully encourages us to choose this life, helping us understand the immense power and possibility God is waiting for us to step into. She is empowering us all to live out the powerful nature of a real 'son', thus revealing God's nature to the world. Anne does a wonderful job at placing the choice before us, teaching us through the promises, and leading us into that choice, and life, that will transform the world around us — simply by choosing to be who the Father has already created us to be." —Joey LeTourneau, Author, Revolutionary Freedom & The Life Giver Paperback Book $14.99 $8.99  | Download E-Book $10.99  | Audio Book on CD $19.99  | Audio Book on MP3 $14.99  | | | | About the Author: Originally from the north of England, Anne Elmer and her husband Malgwyn have lived for the last 30 years in France where they run a Christian publishing company. They have 3 children and 11 grandchildren. Anne's heart is for unity among Believers and to see every Christian living up to their potential in Christ. | | |  | December 21, 2017 | | | | | | | | |