Congratulations ! You have been selected

In general, our volunteers can reasonably expect to spend anywhere between $350 and $600 per month for typical living expenses (depending on lifestyle) while here in Guatemala. There are supermarkets in addition to a very large and bustling outdoor fruit and vegetable market which can be helpful in lowering food cost. When working in the program, many volunteers bring their lunches. But, if you would rather buy your lunch there is a local comedor (simple eatery with limited menu) which makes lunches for around $2.50 and a "tienda" (small store) where you can purchase miscellaneous items (water, soup, vegetables, cokes, chips, etc.) The primary role of most of our volunteers is to support our Guatemalan teaching staff in the classrooms. Volunteers are encouraged to assist the teachers in all classroom activities, be they academic in nature (i.e. math lessons, reading activities, etc.), or other enrichment activities (i.e. arts, sports, music, etc.). In addition to helping the children with their school homework, Camino Seguro actively supports extra-curricular activities that support creative and critical thinking as the Guatemalan school system can be very rote and limited in its educational approach. After volunteers have worked in the classroom for several weeks, they can build a solid relationship with both the children and staff. Other positions include working in the kitchen, gardening and maintenance. Please note that while we strive to work with volunteers to place them in the positions they request, we ask that volunteers be understanding and flexible. We strongly prioritize the needs of the program therefore rely on volunteers' commitment and willingness to be placed where there is the most need. Please check the website for a list of current available positions. Does Camino Seguro have a dress code? 49507414 What are the medical risks in Guatemala? Where do we work and who do we work with? Working in Guatemala can be a very rewarding and culturally enriching experience. However, it can also be somewhat dangerous due to the high levels of poverty, substance abuse, gang activity and crime, especially in the area close to the garbage dump. Because Safe Passage/Camino Seguro is very committed to the safety of its volunteers, we have established procedures and recommendations that will help each volunteer maintain a level of safety while living and working in Guatemala. To date, we are very pleased that no volunteer has been harmed while working inside the program facilities. However, a few volunteers have had experiences with robbery elsewhere, most frequently late at night in Antigua or while traveling. For that reason, when a volunteer arrives in Guatemala there will be an orientation meeting with our Volunteer Coordinator to go over ways to reduce your risk of being a crime victim while living and working here in Guatemala. What about communicating with home? Safe Passage/Camino Seguro Volunteer Office It is important to us that you complete your application thoughtfully and completely, with special emphasis on the discernment questions. You may complete the application in either English or Spanish, whichever is most comfortable for you. Safe Passage/Camino Seguro receives many inquiries regarding volunteering. Therefore, we take the application process seriously since it helps us to select those volunteers most likely to fill the needs of the organization and identify those volunteers most likely to succeed in our program environment. We do recommend that potential volunteers submit their application no less than 12 weeks prior to their expected arrival in Guatemala. Only the Volunteer Office of Camino Seguro can make the decision as to whether an applicant will be accepted into the program. No outside organization is authorized to make that assurance for Safe Passage/Camino Seguro. Founded in 1999, Camino Seguro currently serves approximately 500 children living in the neighborhoods surrounding the dump. It accomplishes this with a staff of nearly 120 Guatemalan teachers, social workers, school administrators, medical staff, support staff, maintenance staff and office staff. In addition, on average, there are around 20-30 volunteers working in the program for a minimum of five weeks and many longer-term volunteers here for over 6 months. While most of our volunteers are in their early to mid-twenties, our volunteers do range in age from 18 to 65. Our volunteers are a very international group. They come from all around the world and as a volunteer you will find yourself interacting with people from a variety of countries and 45057766cultures. We hope this letter has been helpful in presenting some of the general aspects of volunteering with Safe Passage/Camino Seguro and living in Guatemala. Please do not hesitate to contact us with requests for further information. We look forward to hearing from you and receiving your application. How difficult is volunteering? A common misconception that many have about Safe Passage/Camino Seguro is that we operate a school and work with street children. Actually, the majority of the children with Camino Seguro live in homes with their families. However, becauseBhTR of the very high level of poverty, all of the children have experienced significant deprivation in the midst of very challenging living conditions, and close to 90% have experienced some form of neglect and/or abuse. We are very proud of the work being done by our volunteers and staff in helping the children and families working and living near the garbage dump in Guatemala City. Providing them the educational opportunities to help them break free from the oppressive poverty that currently shapes their lives is the fundamental goal of our work here. As a volunteer, you would be able to provide meaningful and far-reaching assistance to some of the poorest, most at-risk communities in Central America. You will also be able to experience the joys of establishing positive and nurturing relationships with the children who come to our program and need your love, guidance and support. How do most volunteers help out? To help all volunteers understand the risks involved in living and working in Guatemala, and the need for personal vigilance and responsibility in following the Safe Passage/Camino Seguro safety guidelines and recommendations, we do expect all volunteers to review, understand and agree to sign a personal liability waiver prior to beginning work as a volunteer with the program. We also strongly encourage each volunteer to inform themselves of the risks involved in living and working in Guatemala by reviewing the travel warnings published by the U.S. State Department at Safe Passage also welcomes "Teams," which are groups of eight to twelve members who come to Camino Seguro for a week in order to deepen their understanding of Guatemala and Safe Passage's work.. There are several types of teams, but most often they provide services or plan and organize fun educational reinforcement activities with a class of children in the program. Typical teams are organized through high schools, universities, and churches but anyone is welcome to bring a group of friends or collegues to Guatemala to provide support to our children. . For further information regarding this aspect of our volunteer program, please contact our Teams department at Do I need medical insurance? The climate in the area of Antigua and Guatemala City is very mild with temperatures ranging from 40-80 degrees Fahrenheit (or around 6-28 degrees Celsius.). Generally a light shirt, sweater, or light jacket, and light pants are all that are needed during the dry season (from December through May.) During the rainy season (June-November) the temperature remains mild but you would also want to carry an umbrella or light plastic poncho with you since the rainstorms in the afternoon can be quite torrential. While sandals are OK to wear on your days off, most volunteers will need to wear relatively sturdy, closed-toe shoes when working in the program. Sneakers, tennis shoes or light hiking boots seem to work pretty well. In addition, walking is very much a part of life in Guatemala, so having a good sturdy pair of shoes will make your feet happier. For those who feel that they might be better suited for volunteer positions other than working directly with children, we may have opportunities for volunteers to work in office support positions (including correspondence, data entry, translation work, clerical tasks, etc.) as well as other positions such as in the kitchen or working with maintenance. Please check the website for a list of current available positions. Most of our volunteers live in or near the city of Antigua. Antigua is a beautiful colonial town of around 40,000 people with a spectacular backdrop of volcanoes and lush green foothills. Antigua attracts visitors from around the world who come to experience its unique Guatemalan culture, study at one of the many Spanish language schools, or simply relax and immerse themselves in the laid back atmosphere of this small town. Antigua is much more developed and slightly more expensive place to live than most of the rest of Guatemala (yet still quite a bit less expensive than the cost of living in Europe or the United States.) If you plan to volunteer for 6 months or more you will be required to have a telephone interview with the Volunteer 3274737493944783 Coordinator. Where do most of the volunteers live? If you are a volunteer who will be arriving in Guatemala by some form of transportation other than flying (i.e., by bus or car) we assume that you are an experienced traveler in Central America and will have the skills to find Antigua and your homestay pretty much on your own. Most volunteers will want to bring with them several ways to access money, since not all banking systems here are foolproof. To be safe we recommend being prepared to access money in three ways. One, bring actual cash in the form of US dollars which can be changed to Quetzales when you arrive in Antigua. (Other currencies such as Euros, Pounds and Canadian dollars are much more difficult to exchange in Guatemala.) Second, bring some money in American Express Travelers checks in US dollars. (Again, most banks will not cash Travelers Checks that are in currencies that are not US dollars.) Third, bring a credit card and/or bank card. Ideally, you would actually bring two different bank cards or credit cards just in case one doesn't work, or if you have one stolen. We have found that having a second bank card or credit card can be very helpful. ATM cards should bear a Cirrus or PLUS system logo on its back, preferably with a VISA logo on its front. ATM cards from a small local bank will probably not work without these logos. Also, VISA is a much more widely accepted card than Mastercard. Be sure to confirm with your bank and/or credit card companies that you will be able to access money from Guatemalan ATM's before you come to Guatemala. Regards, To volunteer with Camino Seguro no work visa is required. You will, of course, need a passport from your country of origin. For most volunteers coming from the United States, Canada or Europe, when you first enter Guatemala, you will automatically be given a 90 day tourist visa. However, if you chose to stay long-term it is necessary to re-enter Guatemala from a neighboring country once every 90 days, or renew your visa at the tourist office in Guatemala City for a small fee. If you choose to leave the country to renew your visa you can look upon this as a wonderful opportunity to explore the neighboring countries of Belize or Mexico. It is recommended that volunteers not coming from the United States or Canada contact the nearest Guatemalan Consulate for visa requirements for residents coming from their respective countries. Is there a minimum time commitment? We require at least Intermediate level Spanish for the majority of our volunteer positions to be able to communicate comfortably as well and effectively with children and teachers in Spanish. For those of our volunteers who feel they may need to develop additional skills in Spanish, there are a number of excellent language schools in and near Antigua, and most of our volunteers take Spanish lessons before beginning their volunteering to acquire greater fluency in Spanish at one of the schools in Antigua. (Note: If you would like a relatively accurate evaluation of your current Spanish language proficiency you may take a free language proficiency test at: Please send your application form and reference letters at the same time to the e-mail address as stated above. Health-wise there is not a high risk of malaria or yellow fever within Antigua or Guatemala City as malaria is more prominent in the coastal areas. We recommend tetanus shots, hepatitis A and B vaccinations, and other vaccinations as advised by your local public health departments. You can access current health information regarding Guatemala at the World Health Organization It is also highly recommended that you consult with a travel medicine clinic at least 3 months prior to your coming to Guatemala. People with asthma or emphysema may have some difficulty in Guatemala because of the significant air pollution. We ask that our volunteers make a commitment to volunteer in the program for no less than five weeks which includes one week of getting to know Antigua, a volunteer orientation and tour of the program. (This week is also often used to take Spanish lessons). We have found that the best experience for both the volunteer and child comes when a relationship and rapport can be nurtured and developed. This is the minimum time we feel is needed to develop good working relationships with other volunteers, Guatemalan staff and teachers. It is also highly recommended that you submit your completed application form to the Volunteer Coordinator at least 12 weeks prior to your expected arrival in Guatemala. Volunteers should also understand that new volunteers begin in the program on Monday mornings and end on Friday afternoons. Therefore, please plan your arrival date several days before the Monday you would like to start in the program and your departure date several days after the Friday you would like to end your time in the program so that you will be able to complete a full five weeks of volunteering. For our volunteers who work at the program sites in Guatemala City near the garbage dump, Camino Seguro has arranged for a private bus to pick up the volunteers at a central location in Antigua at approximately 7:00 AM and deliver the volunteers directly to the two program sites in Guatemala City. In the afternoons, the bus picks up all the volunteers at approximately 4:35 PM from the program sites and delivers them back to Antigua. The cost for the round trip to and from Guatemala City is Q15, or around $ 2.00 each day. Special Addendum Regarding Volunteer Safety, 5 June, 2007. Camino Seguro/Safe Passage has the majority of its programs located within an area several blocks from the Guatemala City garbage dump and its surrounding slums. The administrative offices for Camino Seguro are located in Antigua, Guatemala. Because of the high levels of responsibility that come with working with the children attending Camino Seguro, we require that foreign volunteers coming to Guatemala on their own must be at least 18 years of age at the start of their date of service. For Guatemalans, the minimum age requirement can be 17 depending on the maturity level and experience of the potential volunteer. We do have several important restrictions in our dress code. Because piercings, such as nose rings, lip rings, eyebrow and tongue piercings, etc. are symbols of gang membership in Guatemala City, we do not allow our volunteers to wear any jewelry as piercings, other than earrings for our female volunteers. While piercings may be very acceptable personal statements in other parts of the world, their particular significance as indicating gang membership in and around the neighborhoods of the program sites means that we must restrict them being worn by our volunteers. In addition, we have also seen children develop serious infections when they have tried to do their own piercings at home. Therefore, we are quite strict about enforcing this policy. Since tattoos are also indicators of gang membership in Guatemala, we also ask volunteers with tattoos to keep them covered while working in the program. What if I decide that volunteering with the program in Guatemala is not a good fit for me, but I still want to help the program? What if I would like to help but don't feel that well-suited to working with children? How do the volunteers get to and from work? (End of special addendum.) We do ask that each new volunteer donate Q380.00 or $50.00 in US dollars to the program when they begin their volunteering. This money goes into a "Volunteer's Fund" to cover our administrative costs to arrange housing and transportation upon each new volunteer's arrival, volunteer training, providing each volunteer with their Safe Passage/Camino Seguro uniform shirts, plus covering our costs for miscellaneous social events organized for the volunteers. At the end of each fiscal year, any monies remaining in this fund are donated back to the general needs of Camino Seguro. Our Mission and Purpose: "Building Hope and Opportunity through 81933571the Power and Dignity of Education" How much do things cost? Also, the most recent murders of several bus drivers in Guatemala City as an extortion technique are indicative of the rise in gang activity in the capital. While this activity has affected bus service between Antigua and Guatemala City on occasion, there have been no instances of passengers being harmed. Certainly these acts are disturbing, yet we do not feel that there any measures that the program can reasonably take that would improve the safety of bus travel beyond that experienced by the average Guatemalan. In addition, petty theft, pick-pocketing, and slashing of backpacks, has been and continues to be a common problem on public buses for many years. We feel that the information and precautions that we provide our volunteers is sufficient for them to make informed choices and take actions that will reduce their risk regarding these types of activities. In Conclusion Because of limited resources, Camino Seguro is not able to offer medical services or insurance to its volunteers. Therefore, we require all volunteers to have proof of Medical insurance prior to your arrival. Travelers insurance with emergency evacuation coverage in the event that you become seriously ill or injured while here in Guatemala is very highly recommended. You can find many options for this coverage on line. For most common ailments medicine can be purchased without a prescription over the counter at a reasonable rate. How can I access money in Guatemala? There are many internet cafes in Antigua that are open throughout the day and evening. The typical cost for accessing the internet is between Q6 ($.80) to Q8 ($1.05) per hour. In addition, there are several long distance phone centers where call may be made to the USA and Canada for approximately $0.15 per minute and to Europe for approximately $0.25 per minute. If you already have a cell phone, it is sometimes possible to have your phone changed over to be able to use one of the Guatemalan mobile phone networks. The cost for the changeover is approximately $ 6.50 and then you may buy minutes for your cell phone at a rate of between 100-200 minutes for Q100, or around $13.00. Mobile phones in Guatemala are not charged for incoming calls, but only for outgoing calls. Local cell-phone calls within Guatemala cost approximately $0.13 per minute and international calls will usually range between 18-25 cents per minute. Dear Prospective Volunteer, Thank you for considering Safe Passage/Camino Seguro as a place for you to contribute your time, energy and skills. For recent information on criminal activity and violence in Central America and Guatemala, we recommend that all potential volunteers read a recent study done by the United Nations, which can be viewed at In order to be accepted as a volunteer with Safe Passage/Camino Seguro, it is required that all potential volunteers complete the application form that is available from our volunteer office at We also request two reference letters - references can be employers, high school teacher or college tutors (for example) but should not be a relative. You need to have known them for over 12 months. Antigua, Guatemala What are the housing options for volunteers? For housing, majority of our volunteers choose to rent rooms in the homes of local families within Antigua. These "Home-Stays" usually provide 3 meals a day except for Sundays so you are provided with a lunch to take with you to the program. The cost for home-stays generally range from approximately $70 to $80 a week for a room with meals. There is also the possibility of securing other types of housing including apartments, houses, and hostels. If you would like assistance with locating housing please let us know on the application form and we will forward current information to you regarding home-stay locations and other housing options that have been used by our volunteers in the past. Also, if you are considering volunteering with Camino Seguro for a year or more you may be eligible to apply for a housing stipend which would help defray your living expenses while here in Guatemala. Because these funds are limited, they are generally limited to volunteers who will be in positions of leadership or have special skills needed by the program. There are a number of ways to help us with our mission of helping children break free from poverty through education without actually coming to Guatemala. We are always very appreciative of people who choose to support the program financially through monthly "sponsorship" contributions. Information on how to do that can be obtained by going to our website, We also encourage people to join or begin new "friends groups" in their communities where they can bring awareness of our work to other people. Often times these friends groups come together around screenings of the Oscar-nominated short documentary, "Recycled Life." This documentary describes the lives of the people who live and work in and near the Guatemala City garbage dump. It also has a tribute to Hanley Denning, the founder of Safe Passage/Camino Seguro, who was tragically killed in a car accident here in Guatemala in January of 2007. For more information about obtaining copies of "Recycled Life" or Safe Passage Friends Groups please contact Alexandra Cowen our Outreach and Communications Coordinator in the US: There are generally three options for volunteers when they first arrive at the airport in Guatemala City. The first option is to have us arrange for our contracted driver to meet you there (waiting with a sign with your name on it) and drive you directly to your homestay or lodgings in Antigua. This will cost you around $30.00. This charge could be increased if our driver needs to wait for you in excess of one hour. You would also be expected to pay the $30.00 if for some reason you were unable to arrive on your scheduled flight. The second option is to simply find a taxi driver there at the airport and have him drive you to Antigua. The cost would be approximately the same as our contracted driver, but you would need to know the address of your homestay in Antigua and how to communicate with the driver as to where you wanted to go. The third option would be to find a shuttle going from the airport to Antigua. The cost for the shuttle is around $ 10.00 per passenger. As with the independent taxi driver, you would need to know the address of your homestay and be able to communicate with the shuttle driver. The second and third options work fairly well if you are comfortable with Spanish and are used to getting around in foreign airports. Otherwise, the first option is the one chosen most often by our volunteers who come to Guatemala by air. What is the weather like? Volunteering at Camino Seguro requires the ability to cope with challenging situations, both emotionally and physically. Working with children in poverty can be very difficult but also very rewarding. Prospective volunteers should carefully asses their ability to work a relatively long work day (which includes the commute from Antigua to Guatemala City and back) and their ability to be calm, flexible and patient when things don't go quite according to plan. If you are up for these challenges, then you will also be able to experience the joys of encountering and overcoming some of the same obstacles that face the children and families we serve. Do I need to obtain a visa to come to Guatemala? The decision to come to volunteer and visit Guatemala lies with each individual. Volunteers should be aware that working in the program in Guatemala City is no different than working in a ghetto in any large city in the United States. We take reasonable precautions, within our limitations, to provide a safe environment for our volunteers. We cannot, however, guarantee the security and safety of any group or individual. Is there a fee to be a volunteer? Guatemala is a third world country with many social, political and economic problems. This situation has not changed significantly during the course of the last several years. However, there has recently been an increase in street crime in both Guatemala City and Antigua affecting all segments of the society, including foreign nationals. We feel that the current advice we give to our volunteers, visitors and service groups is sufficient to enable individuals to choose behaviors that will help them avoid most street crime. How do I apply to be a volunteer? Antigua has many of the same "luxuries" that most of us have in our home countries. There are several banks/ATM´s to access money, a post office, many internet cafes, a large grocery store, laundromats, beauty salons, and two gyms. You will have the opportunity to experience a taste of Guatemala cuisine and other favorite foods in one of the many restaurants that are here. There is also an active night life that entertains the many locals and tourists that want to unwind and relax at the end of the day. Who do we help and how? While working in the program, volunteers are to be role models for the children and therefore we do have a simple dress code for all volunteers. Volunteers will be expected to wear a Camino Seguro T-Shirt while working in the program. We also recommend long pants or skirts longer than knee-length. It is fairly rare to see shorts in Guatemala, so most of our volunteers wear jeans or traveling pants with lots of pockets. Would anybody be there to meet me when I first arrive in Guatemala? Is it safe in Guatemala? How old do I need to be to be a volunteer with Camino Seguro? Our work focuses on breaking the cycle of poverty by supporting each child in pursuing an education. As a condition of participating in our program, all the children attend a public school in the neighborhoods close to their homes. The public schools have two shifts, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The children in the program attend their public school for half a day and come to our program for the remaining half of their day. During their time in the program, Camino Seguro provides a safe, creative, and productive environment where children are provided academic support. The academic emphasis of our program is designed to assist the children achieve in school and create opportunities for them in the future. In addition, the program provides daily meals to the children, an on-site medical clinic and social work support for the families so that other factors often associated with poverty do not become obstacles to the children's learning. Do I need to speak Spanish? Zones 3 and 7, where our main program sites are located, are considered neighborhoods affected by gang activity. Recently, one of the children in the program was murdered and it is speculated that his involvement with a gang contributed to his death. Because we have chosen to work with a population of children who are at risk for these types of behaviors, it is not surprising that we would lose one of them to gang violence. However, we do provide armed guards at all of our work sites to prevent people not associated with the program from entering the area where the children, teachers, and volunteers work. Also, we do not allow volunteers to walk in the neighborhood around the program. We do require that all volunteers utilize a bus specifically arranged by Safe Passage/Camino Seguro to travel to and from the program each day. Our hope is that this set of "Frequently Asked Questions" will provide you with the basic information you need to determine if Safe Passage/Camino Seguro would be a good fit for you and your volunteer efforts. In addition to providing you with an overview of the work of the program, this letter will cover some of the typical situations you can expect to encounter when living in Guatemala. If you have not already done so, we encourage you to visit our website at for additional information. Once you have reviewed this information, feel comfortable with its contents and would like to apply for a Volunteer position, please complete and send an Application Form to To be accepted as a volunteer it is required that the Volunteer Coordinator review and accept your Volunteer Application Form. From: Rosia, Ashley To: Rosia, Ashley Subject: FW: Letter re: Local Buildout/Economic Devt Analysis for CCE Date: Friday, September 15, 2017 12:16:07 PM Attachments: Local.Buildout.Final with logo.pdf From: Nicole Capretz Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 5:52 PM To: Hansen, Mike ; Hooven, Cody ; Caldwell, Erik ; Straw, Jack ; Fox, Jamie ; Dominika Bukalova ; Chase, Molly ; Slack, Jimmie ; Batten, Kelly ; Spillane, Elizabeth ; Hauser, James ; Tetlow, Barrett ; Knowles, Travis Cc: Gretchen Newsom ; Nick Segura ; Nate Fairman ; joyce lane Subject: Letter re: Local Buildout/Economic Devt Analysis for CCE Dear Mayor and Council, Please see the attached letter from Climate Action Campaign, IBEW Local 569, IBEW Local 465 and SanDiego350 regarding an analysis of the local clean energy buildout/economic development potential of a Community Choice Energy program. We look forward to working with you as this process moves forward. Sincerely, Nicole Nicole Capretz Executive Director Climate Action Campaign 4452 Park Boulevard, Suite 209 San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 490-6248 Twitter: @sdclimateaction / @ncapretz Instagram: @sdclimateaction Like what we do? Support Climate Action Campaign today. Our Mission is Simple: Stop Climate Change July 20, 2017 Mayor Faulconer and City Council 202 C Street San Diego, CA 92105 RE: Local Clean Energy Buildout and Economic Development Analysis for Community Choice Energy Dear Mayor and Council, The undersigned organizations fully support the successful implementation of the city of San Diego's Climate Action Plan and its landmark 100% clean energy goal. We are also committed to maximizing the development of local clean energy resources with local hire that create good, middle-class jobs and increase local economic development. We thank you for the independent and peer-reviewed Community Choice Energy Technical Feasibility Study to give us information about the viability of pursuing Community Choice Energy for our members. We were pleased to see that there were no unbundled Renewable Energy Credits considered as part of this study. We respectfully request that an additional analysis on local clean energy buildout scenarios and attendant jobs/economic development be pursued as soon as possible, with an emphasis on development of new renewable resources from proven developers in San Diego and adjacent counties as well as the potential from energy efficiency and demand-side measures. We ask that this analysis include how this local buildout scenario could prioritize investments, programs and policies that benefit communities of concern identified in the top 25 percent of CalEnviroscreen's ranking for San Diego region communities. Finally, we know this study will take time, and it is not our intent to slow down the process of review and adoption of a plan to achieve 100% clean energy in the city. Thank you again for performing your due diligence on our future energy options and your consideration of our proposed analysis to ensure San Diego families and businesses will benefit from a clean energy future with good local jobs and real clean energy. We look forward to working with you as this process moves forward. Sincerely, Nicole Capretz Executive Director Climate Action Campaign Nick Segura Business Manager IBEW Local 569 Nate Fairman Business Manager IBEW Local 465 Joyce Lane Chair, Public Policy Team SanDiego350 Cc: City Council, Cody Hooven ======================================================== ======================================== Blue Cross has proudly been offering Medicare plans since 1966— with peace of mind and dependability for more than 50 years! Dear Valued Member, We understand you have many choices when it comes to your Medicare options—and we thank you for being a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts member. This time of year is a great time to consider adding more coverage to your current Medex plan. We offer everything from comprehensive prescription drug coverage to three dental options, hearing and vision benefits, and worldwide travel insurance. (Read through this issue for more information.) We work hard to always put you first! That is why: • More Massachusetts Medicare members choose Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts1 • More than 6.8 million Medicare members in the nation are enrolled in a Blue Cross Blue Shield plan2 Have questions about your plan? Our Medicare experts are standing by to assist you. CALL our dedicated Member Service team if you have questions about your current benefits. 1-800-258-2226 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. CALL our nationally recognized3 Medicare representatives for questions about Medicare plan options. 1-888-366-3212 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 1. Represents Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Individual and Group plan membership based on data from CMS ( and Massachusetts DOI ( 2. Data attributed to all Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association plans across the country, CMS, Barclays Research, 2017, Quarter 1, Brand Protection Financial Services Reporting. 3. The Blue Cross Medicare Retail Call Center was named the number two call center in the country across a variety of industries by BenchmarkPortal in a 2016 survey. Financial health checkup for seniors When you are living on a fixed income, every dollar counts. That is why as you age, it is important to track your finances and make smart decisions about how you spend and save your money. Here are some key actions you can take to boost your financial well-being now and in the future. You might be healthy and mobile now, but it's important to save and plan for changes as you age. If you need to enter a nursing home or rely on home health care, how will you pay for it? In general, Medicare doesn't cover a long-term stay in a nursing home, though there is some short-term coverage if you are admitted after a hospitalization. Most private health insurance plans don't pay for it, either. You'll likely have to pay for nursing home care out-of-pocket. Over time, as you use your resources, you may qualify for Medicaid. With Medicaid, you may get some help covering nursing home costs. Home health care provides medical services in your home for an injury or illness. This may include services such as wound care, intravenous therapy, or injections. Check with your health plan to find out whether it covers any home health services. This information can help you plan for the future accordingly. It's never too early to start planning for the future. To help guide you, Blue Cross partners with Generations Asset Preservation as a supplementary service for our members. Generations Asset Preservation provides comprehensive retirement plans and/or estate planning needs for our members who are looking to protect their assets and secure their retirement.* We can answer questions on: • Retirement savings • Long-term care insurance • Social Security benefits • Estate planning • Rollovers For more information, please call 1-888-366-3212 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. * Medicare has neither reviewed nor endorsed this information. FALL 2017 NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR OUR MEDEX®' PLAN MEMBERS healthytimes Take control of your health. More than 6.8 million Medicare members in the nation enrolled in a Blue Cross Blue Shield plan* *Data attributed to all Blue Cross Blue Shield Association plans across the country, CMS, Barclays Research, 2017, Quarter 1, Brand Protection Financial Services Reporting Friendly faces lead to healthy places Schedule your FREE wellness visit today Control your diabetes at every age Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Are you confused about drugs covered under Medicare Part B vs. Part D? Consider these differences: • Part B: Typically these are drugs you'd get in a doctor's office and cannot give to yourself, such as chemotherapy or vaccines. • Part D: These are usually drugs you can give to yourself, such as prescription pills, creams, and liquids. You usually receive these in an outpatient setting, such as the emergency room. Sometimes drugs covered under Part D are also covered under Part B. This gray area often includes vaccines and drugs used with durable medical equipment, such as a nebulizer. For questions about coverage or costs under your plan, call Member Services at the number on the back. Make the most of Medicare's yearly wellness visit An annual wellness visit (AWV) is a chance for you and your doctor to talk about preventing disease or catching it early, when treatment works best. AWVs are covered by Medicare Part B. The first year you have Medicare, you have a similar benefit, called the "Welcome to Medicare" preventive visit. After that, you can schedule an AWV once a year. There's no cost to you, and the payoff can be huge. What to expect At an AWV, you will work with your doctor to create or update a personalized plan to help you prevent disease and disability. You'll be asked to complete a questionnaire called a health risk assessment. Also, your doctor may: • Review your personal and family health history • Update a list of your medications and other health care providers • Measure your height, weight, and blood pressure • Discuss problems you're having with daily activities • Look for signs of problems with memory or mental functioning How you benefit Based on this assessment, your doctor will provide personalized health advice. In some cases, your doctor might refer you to other programs or The ABCs of Parts B and D drugs services, such as ones focused on preventing falls, quitting smoking, or losing weight. Your partner in health Your doctor may also give you a schedule for upcoming vaccines and screening tests. These tests help you find certain diseases at an early stage, when they're most treatable. Many are covered by Medicare at no cost to you. If you have questions about screenings or any other health issue, ask your doctor. Find one at 2 HEALTHY TIMES FALL 2017 3 Strengthen your social ties as you age When you were a kid, you knew who your best friend was, you went on playdates, and you always had a birthday party on the calendar. As you age, friendships aren't as easy to maintain; however, strong social ties are just as important now as they were then. In fact, having a supportive social network is vital for healthy aging. Research shows that people who feel socially connected experience benefits such as: • Better physical health • Greater happiness and quality of life • Stronger mental functioning • Decreased risk for death Make new friends, but keep the old Here are some ideas that can help you strengthen the ties you already have, as well as build new ones: • Regularly connect with people. Call a loved one and talk. Make plans to meet a friend for lunch or go to a movie. Reach out to a neighbor and take a walk together. • Follow your interests. Sign up for classes that seem interesting to you. You'll meet people while developing a new skill. • Join a book club. This may be with people you already know or with a group you haven't met yet. • Volunteer. Get involved at a local community center or your place of worship. While giving your time and energy, you'll also gain new relationships. • Explore. Go on organized trips with a group. Let someone else do the planning while you enjoy new experiences and build new connections. Quality over quantity Don't look at the number of friends you have as a measure of how strong your social network is. While your circle of friends may shrink as you age, many seniors actually report feeling more satisfied with their relationships than younger people. The quality of your bonds is what matters. So if you feel positive, supported, and fulfilled with the social relationships that you have, you'll reap all the physical and emotional benefits that come with having strong social ties as you age. Your local Council on Aging is a great place to start building new relationships. Drop in or call ahead to see what events and programs are offered in your community. You'll be amazed! Visit and click on the "Find Your Local COA" button to find a COA close to you. 3 Brookline and Chicopee COAs: Providing companionship and support healthy community Staying involved with others in the community as you age is an important way to prevent loneliness and depression. Like other Councils on Aging (COAs) across the state, the COAs in Brookline and Chicopee help seniors accomplish this goal every day with varied programs and services. "Our whole mission is to keep people active and engaged," says Ruthann Dobek, director of the COA in Brookline. "If people can't come to the senior center, we do our best to reach them in their homes." Support groups offer connection At the Brookline COA, support groups are one of the hallmark programs to help seniors make connections with others, especially during times of change. Bereavement groups, Alzheimer's support groups, a support group for seniors without children, and a newcomers' support group are just a few opportunities for seniors to build new relationships. "It's helpful for people to connect with others who are going through the same experience to know they are not alone," says Dobek. The Brookline COA also offers groups that meet around specific activities or interests, such as ping pong, chorus, and current events. "The groups often take on a life of their own, with group members exchanging phone numbers or getting together for potlucks," says Dobek. Help for homebound seniors For those who cannot get to the senior center, the "Home Line" program provides help to the homebound, for a small fee. The COA also teams up with Brookline High School students to do grocery shopping for seniors and provide home visits. "We carefully match the students with the seniors," says Dobek. "Both the students and seniors get a lot out of it. It's one of the most popular community service programs at the high school." The Chicopee COA offers a wide variety of programs and services to keep seniors engaged with others, too, such as a lunch program. The COA also works with the Valley Opportunity Council to hire and train senior companions who can assist other seniors either at the center or in the home of the older adult, according to Holly Angelo, assistant director of the Chicopee COA. "This program is key for helping seniors stay connected to the community," says Sherry Manyak, executive director of the Chicopee COA. "It can make the difference between being actively engaged or sitting home watching TV." Aging Mastery Program Manyak and Angelo are also excited about the new Aging Mastery Program. This 10-session series has featured guest speakers on various topics, from exercise to gratitude. The Chicopee COA is able to offer the program through a grant from the Massachusetts Councils on Aging. "The goal of the program is to refocus the mindset about aging now that people are living longer, and to make the most out of our longer lives by staying engaged," says Manyak. Brookline Chicopee A special THANK YOU to Brookline and Chicopee COAs! 4 HEALTHY TIMES FALL 2017 We want to hear from you. How does a local senior center or COA help you or your community? Send an email to We may feature it in a future issue! It has been a huge success. "We had a tremendous older adults in their communities, the Brookline and response, and hope to offer the program again," says Chicopee COAs offer a lifeline. Angelo. "The focus was on staying connected to the "We know that social isolation can lead to depression, community and the positive benefits that brings. We poor physical health, and an earlier death," says Angelo. had one person who arrived visibly unhappy. By the "So it's a great feeling to watch people make new last session, that person was engaged and excited." connections." Dobek, Angelo, and Manyak agree that for many To see what services are available in your area, or to become a volunteer, contact your local senior center. Visit and click on the "Find Your Local COA" button. 5 6 HEALTHY TIMES FALL 2017 Managing diabetes as you age T oday more than a quarter of U.S. adults ages 65 and older have diabetes. The most common diabetes is type 2. It occurs when your body becomes resistant to a hormone called insulin and doesn't use it well. Initially the body makes more insulin to compensate, but over time the amount of insulin produced can't keep up with the increased demand. Without enough insulin, blood sugar builds up in your bloodstream, which can cause health problems. How diabetes affects your health Older adults are more likely to experience complications due to type 2 diabetes, such as: • Heart disease • Kidney disease • Stroke • Nerve damage • Eye problems that can lead to blindness • Skin infections • Hearing loss • Dental problems and gum disease Your plan of action Taking steps to manage your diabetes will help reduce your risk of developing complications as you age. Here are three key things you can do every day: 1 Take your medicine. The initial treatment of type 2 diabetes is usually done with pills. As you age, you're more likely to need insulin to treat type 2 diabetes. That's because your body makes less insulin as you get older. Insulin can't be taken in a pill. You'll either inject it or receive it through a pump. It's important to take all your medicine exactly as your doctor prescribes. 2 Eat a healthy diet. When you have diabetes, you don't have to follow a special diet. Instead, focus on eating a healthy, well-balanced diet that provides your body with the nutrients it needs. The American Diabetes Association recommends you fill your plate with a variety of food groups. 3 Be physically active. If you have diabetes and are overweight, losing just 10 to 15 pounds can make a difference. Aim for 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least five times per week. Some examples include walking or riding your bike. Also, do strengthtraining exercises at least twice per week. You could lift weights, use resistance bands, or do tai chi. Always talk with your doctor before starting an exercise program. For someone with diabetes, it's recommended that you get a comprehensive diabetic eye exam at least once every year. It will help detect eye problems, such as cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. Best of all, it's covered by your medical plan* under Medicare Part B. You should also talk to your doctor about other annual tests recommended for people with diabetes. *You may need to pay a copay. Check your plan details. 6 Shingles vaccine coverage Did you know the shingles vaccine is covered under Medicare Part D by plans like our Blue MedicareRx Prescription Drug Plan (PDP)? PDP coverage includes the cost for the: • Vaccine, which is covered by your prescription drug plan, and • Administration of the shot Blue MedicareRX members should call us first when you plan to get vaccinated. We can help you understand your benefits. Please call 1-888 543-4917 (TTY/TDD: 711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are here to help: • Explain your vaccination coverage and what you'll pay • Lower costs by helping you find pharmacies in our network • Tell you how you can get reimbursed if you pay your doctor or pharmacy for the full cost of the vaccine and its administration member news and notices Older adults: Get your flu shot Did you know that up to 60 percent of hospital stays for the flu and up to 90 percent of flurelated deaths happen to people ages 65 and older? The natural, age-related decline of the body's immune system means you are more likely to catch the flu and have more serious symptoms. You are also at higher risk for flu-related problems, such as pneumonia, respiratory and kidney failure, and inflammation of the heart or brain. Flu vaccination can reduce your risk. Medicare Part B covers these shots. Get the flu shot today. Visit for a list of locations offering the flu shot near you. Travel with ease with GeoBlueSM' Get extended health care access, security, and peace of mind for your world travels. With GeoBlue, a leader in international travel insurance, you can travel worry-free no matter your destination. Why choose a GeoBlue plan? • Plans include a complete package of medical, evacuation, and prescription drug coverage. • You may choose from single-trip and multitrip plans. • Low-priced plans provide flexibility and security wherever you go. This stand-alone plan will keep you covered by the name you trust, with the protection you deserve. To learn more, call 1-888-366-3212 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Your new Medicare card is coming! The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is issuing new Medicare cards starting in Spring 2018. Take note: Your Social Security number will no longer appear on your Medicare card. For more information about this change, visit 7 PRESORT STANDARD MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD MASSACHUSETTS 101 Huntington Avenue Suite 1300 Boston, MA 02199-7611 let's connect Developed by StayWell 10675MA Our Blue MedicareRx (PDP) plans have lower premiums for 2018 For the second year in a row, our Blue MedicareRx popular plans that cover both brand-name and generic Value Plus members are seeing their rates decrease— drugs. With more than 67,000 network pharmacies, from $43.10 in 2017 to $38.20 in 2018. The annual including national chains and independent drugstores, deductible is also going down by $45! Plus, our Blue you will have the freedom to travel anywhere in the MedicareRx Premier members are seeing a drop in U.S. with the confidence that you can use your coverage monthly premiums as well—from $127.70 in 2017 to when you need it. $122.60 in 2018—with an annual deductible that To add a Blue MedicareRx (PDP) plan to your remains at $0. Medex coverage, call us today at 1-888-366-3212 If you do not already have a prescription drug plan (TTY 711), Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. with us, take another look! You can choose from two to 4:30 p.m. How to reach us • 1-800-258-2226 (TTY 711) • Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. This information is not a complete description of benefits. Contact the plan for more information. Limitations, copayments, and restrictions may apply. Benefits, premiums and/or co-payments/co-insurance may change on January 1 of each year. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. The Formulary, pharmacy network, and/or provider network may change at any time. You will receive notice when necessary. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. ATTENTION: Si vous parlez français, des services d'aide linguistique vous sont proposés gratuitement. Appelez le 1-800-258-2226 (TTY: 711). ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-800-258-2226 (TTY 711). ATENÇÃO: Se fala português, encontram-se disponíveis serviços linguísticos, grátis. Ligue para 1-800-258-2226 (TTY 711). ®, SM Registered Marks and Service Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ®' Registered Marks of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. SM GeoBlue is the trade name of Worldwide Insurance Services, LLC, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ®'' Registered and Service Marks are property of their respective owners. Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc., Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc., Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont are the legal entities that have contracted as a joint enterprise with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and are the risk-bearing entities for Blue MedicareRx (PDP) plans. The joint enterprise is a Medicare-approved Part D Sponsor. Enrollment in Blue MedicareRx (PDP) depends on contract renewal. © 2017 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc., and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts HMO Blue, Inc. 174318 99-0385 (10/17) S2893_1759 Accepted 09232017 Hearing loss affects millions… and counting Anew study finds that hearing loss is becoming more serious as the number of American seniors grows. In the year 2020, about 15 percent of adults in the U.S. will have some form of hearing loss, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University. By 2060, that will rise to more than 22 percent. Two-thirds of those will be older than 70. In some cases, the cause of hearing loss is genetic and cannot be stopped. Other times, hearing loss is caused by extended exposure to loud noises. Save even more! Medex members can enjoy the savings and service of TruHearing®''. In this FREE program, you have access to premium hearing aids at 30 to 60 percent below retail price and a network of hearing aid providers.You can combine this discount with another hearing aid allowance to get even greater savings. To learn more about TruHearing, call 1-855-205-5984 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Test your smarts on poor vision 1People with poor vision have major, permanent vision impairment that cannot be improved by means such as glasses. True False 2You may have poor vision if you struggle to recognize people you know or you have a hard time reading. True False 3Poor vision can be inherited. True False Answers 1 True. People with this condition can't see things clearly, distinguish contrasting colors, or make out everything in a normal field of vision. 2 True. You may also have poor vision if you complain that you can't see because of low light, have difficulty crossing the street, or have trouble seeing curbs, walls, and steps. 3 True. Other causes include injuries to the eye or brain, or eye diseases such as macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy. Are you fully covered? Adding one of the below plans or supplemental benefits will ensure you have the coverage you need from the name you trust. • Dental Blue 65®: Starting as low as $24.40 per month, this coverage will help you protect and show off your healthy smile. • Vision and hearing plan (for Medex Core and Medex Bronze): At just $3.67 per month, it covers everything from routine hearing and vision exams, to reimbursements up to $200 for hearing aids and $100 for eyewear. • Travel insurance: With plans starting as low as $120 per year, get extended health care access, security, and peace of mind for your world travels with GeoBlueSM. Call 1-888-366-3212 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or visit PRESORT STANDARD MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD MASSACHUSETTS 101 Huntington Avenue Suite 1300 Boston, MA 02199-7611 let's connect 10675MA Think dental visits are kid stuff? Older adults need them, too When was the last time you visited your dentist? If it's been a while, be sure to schedule an appointment soon. According to the American Dental Association, most adults should visit their dentist once or twice per year. Cavities and other dental problems don't just happen to kids. As you get older, you're actually more prone to certain oral health issues. These include dry mouth, gum disease, oral cancer, and more. Discuss with your dentist how often you should schedule your visits. In addition, there are many actions you can take to protect your oral health for the future: • Brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste twice a day. • Floss daily. • Don't use tobacco and avoid heavy alcohol use. • Eat a healthy diet. If you develop pain or any changes in your mouth, don't wait. Contact your dentist so you can find out what's going on and begin treatment as soon as possible. Look inside to learn more about member benefits! With three plans to choose from, you have the freedom to see any dentist from our local network of 10,000+ dentists in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, plus our extensive national network, all starting as low as $24.40/month. Call us today at 1-888-366-3212 (TTY 711) to learn more Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.