From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I really enjoyed this word by Nate many have said God is increasing our anointing and our authority in this day. It's happening!
God will bring His weighty presence as we "wait" on Him...and this is what we'll see as God increases our anointing:
We are about to see signs, wonders and miracles like we have never seen before. We are about to see such an increase in gifts and Kingdom power that will mark the Church for her glorious days ahead. Even more importantly, we are in the days of visitation where weighty five-fold revivalists are emerging who have paid a high price in the secret place and carry the heart of Heaven to shift nations in every sphere and in every mountain of influence.
Yes, we are in great days of influence!
I encourage you to get in that secret place and wait on the Lord...and let Him bring His weightiness on you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Fresh Anointing as We 'Wait' and Encounter Him"
Nate Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
Several weeks ago, I had an encounter with the Lord that spanned over several days. The glory of God was so thick that I couldn't sleep until 3:30am for three nights. All I could do was sit there in the dark, rocking back and forth, praying and worshiping the Lord. As I lay there rocking under the glory, the Lord showed me a new, fresh anointing coming upon men and women of God who are hungry for more of Him.
On the first night I was so tired, yet the glory just wouldn't lift, causing me to tremble and shake to my bones. I said, "Lord, can I sleep?" He said simply, "Wait."
Then He began to come even weightier and stronger, until I could barely handle it. The same encounter happened again the following night, and again I heard "Wait." Then the same occurred on the third night. I realized by the third time that there was something in the waiting, and it was the key to what God was doing.
"The earth is groaning and Heaven is responding." |
Joshua waited or "lingered" in the presence of God and he was entrusted to lead God's people after Moses. David spent endless hours in the presence of God, and he took down giants and turned the heart of his nation toward God in radical worship. There is something in this hour to laying everything down for the encounter that echoes throughout eternity.
He Must Increase
I was drawn to the fact that it was 3:30am every morning when I was finally about to sleep. The Lord drew me to John 3:30 which says, "He must become greater; I must become less." There is something so powerful about an encounter that the person who leaves it, is not the same person that went in. We become less and He becomes more. We have the privilege in this life of living as an altar to the Lord, continually giving Him all of us in exchange for all of Him.
My heart has been so affected by these encounters that left little room for any desire for self-promotion, agendas, or even my own ideas or plans. Allowing Him to become greater means I must "empty myself" and become less.
The word for greater in the above verse is the Greek word auxano which means "to increase and grow". I believe the Lord is saying that this is a time of an "increase of the anointing" in the earth, as sons and daughters seek His face.
Sons and Daughters of Thunder
I feel so much expectation for the coming year and that we are in a time of... (continue reading)