From the desk of Steve Shultz:
As we come into 2018, God will continue to "lift the lid", "blow their cover", and "remove the veil" or hidden darkness in the earth.
God has always done this. Everything done in darkness (intentional, hidden evil trying not to be found out) will be shown in the light. "For nothing is hid, that shall not be made manifest; nor [anything] secret, that shall not be known and come to light" (Luke 8:17).
Whistle-blowers are abounding which is resulting in people finally reporting crimes, abuse and corruption, and this will continue to bring evil out into the light.
Many will be tempted to say that things are worse than they have EVER BEEN. This is not true. When evil is brought to light, it is because God is cleaning house! When God brings cleansing, things are continually getting better than they have been in a very long time.
Stay tuned! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"I Heard the Headliner: 'Bombshell in Hollywood' Concerning the Sex-Trade Industry"
Julie A. Smith, Salem, OR
Most of my friends know that I was born in Thailand and have heard some of my family story and how passionate I am about seeing Thailand be set free from the horrendous strongholds there. For those who don't know, Thailand is the #1 sex-trade industry on the planet.
I recently received a revelation of how Hollywood and Thailand are linked in the spirit, which I share below. I truly believe we are in a day where God is increasing our revelation and our authority to see great shifts in our cultures and lands. With new revelation revealed always comes a greater risk in giving it. I believe we are in a day where God is challenging us to take bigger risks at His leading. Being in media ministry and a seer, God often speaks to me in themes and headlines in the spirit and that helps me gauge prophetic revelation.
"...the Lord loves Justice and I believe the Justice of God concerning the sex-trade industry will become front and center in these next few years ahead." |
On Monday morning, I heard this headliner in the spirit, "Bombshell in Hollywood." The Lord reminded me of what I felt when I previously walked on the streets of both Hollywood and Thailand at separate times and showed me how both are linked spiritually.
The streets of Thailand, especially in the city of Pattaya, the sex-capital industry of the world, is one of the darkest places I have ever felt in the spirit. The level of perversion is so horrific and as a seer, it's hard to stand in a place like this and not feel what is going on in the spirit's truly heart-breaking. But God has given me some awesome visions of Thailand being an epicenter of His presence and light, as revival hits the land. Isn't it just like Him to want to turn one of the darkest places on the planet into one of the LIGHTEST?
I believe in this hour, and over the next few years, we will see some of the greatest moves of God in the sex-trade industry as He reveals Himself and sheds great light and His amazing grace where sin abounds. "...but where sin abounded, grace abounded more exceedingly" (Romans 5:20).
Ministries called to the sex-trade industry this word is for you: Get ready for a great outpouring of God's Spirit, as you are being called to bring much healing to those who are about to be set free!
Hollywood and Thailand Are Spiritually Connected
As I visited Hollywood after being in Thailand and walked down the famous "Hollywood Walk of Fame" streets, it felt as if I were walking in Thailand. I thought, "I feel like I'm walking down the streets of Thailand here." I hadn't put it all together at the time, but I knew these two places were connected in the spirit as being equally dark. Yet, not until recently did the Lord give me more revelation of how the two are connected.
The same spirit of... (continue reading)