From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is an exellent and much needed message for this hour. God is into restoration and unity BIG TIME and that includes in the Church Body and family as well.
I appreciate Kathi Pelton writing this now word for this season. Relationships with one another and with Him are on His heart right now as Kathi shares:
He is not only reuniting intimacy and connectivity with Him, but also with one another. He is highlighting couples, families, friendships, and fellowship... He is restoring first love between husbands and wives, healing the separation between fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, sisters and brothers. He is pulling each of us like separate puzzle pieces and connecting us to create a picture that represents His Kingdom which is a family.
I pray as you read this word, the Lord would reveal to you the areas that are divided...that need to be reunited in your own life! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Reunited - With All That Has Been Divided"
Kathi Pelton, Portland, OR
Together But Divided
Over the past number of days, I have been seeing in my spirit what looks like a scene from a movie or a prolonged vision. In this "scene" there is a family in their home. The husband is sitting in a room busying himself with the things he likes to do and the wife is in another room taking care of household duties. As time goes by, I see them pass one another in a hallway but they do not connect or speak. The children are in their rooms doing the things that keep them occupied.
When dinner has been prepared and the family comes together once again there is little interaction beyond asking for someone to "pass the potatoes". As dinner finishes everyone helps clean, but the only words exchanged are questions such as, "Can you take out the trash?" Then everyone goes back to doing their own thing in separate rooms and the cycle of being together but divided continues.
Then a second scene plays through my mind. It is the same family but the children are now teens. I see the same patterns playing out of being together yet divided, and the oldest daughter approaches her parents and says to them, "Dad and Mom, I see you each day but I can't feel you. You are in the same home but I don't see you connected to each other and that makes me feel divided. We live here but don't love here."
As these two scenes kept replaying in my mind, I asked the Lord what He is wanting specifically to say through them. He answered me by taking me back to a vision that I had about a year ago of clock gears turning over lives, families and even churches, but they turned independently of each other. It kept individuals busy but they were just going around in circles (not going forward).
Then God reached down and like pieces of a puzzle coming together, these individual wheels were connected and it caused the "hands of time" to move forward. Forward motion began as unity and connectivity was restored.
Restoring Intimacy
God is reaching down even now to bring the divided parts together. As we yield to His hand and cooperate with His Spirit, He is highlighting relationships. Just as the family I saw lived in the same home but was divided relationally, we can allow our relationship with Jesus to become functional. (Photo via Pixabay)
We can lose "first love" and begin to move independent from the oneness and unity that God so desires. We can even go through the motions of what we think intimacy looks like, but lose our heart connection. God is inviting His Bride back into the place of "flesh of My flesh, bone of My bone."
He is not only reuniting intimacy and connectivity with Him, but also with... (continue reading)