From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a "wow" word for 2018 and beyond. I am going to keep this real short, as this latest article by Lana Vawser is quite lengthy. l recommend reading and rereading it at least a few times to take it all in.
Many prophetic voices have said that this new year will be a year of promises fulfilled with great fruit being produced through us...I think we are all ready for that!
I will leave you with this prophetic decree from Lana:
I prophesy over you, in the name of Jesus, that it is HARVEST TIME! I decree over you, in the name of Jesus, that 2018 will be your greatest year of fruitfulness THUS FAR! I prophesy over you, in the name of Jesus, that there will be SO MUCH FRUIT you will be left in awe and wonder. All the seeds you have been sowing from years and years ago to present day, you are about to see HARVESTED. In 2018, there will be incredible acceleration of fruitfulness and harvest and new, sweet wine.
Amen...let's receive that in Jesus name!
Enjoy! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"2018: The Year of Family, Fruitfulness and the Fear of the Lord"
Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Australia
About 4 months ago, the Lord began to speak to me about 2018. The Lord highlighted to me that, "2018 will be the year of family, fruitfulness and the fear of the Lord."
What the Lord is going to do in 2018, is going to leave God's people and the world in awe and wonder of who He is. 2018 is going to be a year of the unexpected in many ways and will leave people and nations in awe of the King of kings and Lord of lords.
As we move into 2018, I believe that the Lord is asking for a deeper level of yieldedness. A deeper level of trust that says, "Lord, whatever Your way, I am ALL in. Even if it looks like I didn't expect, I am ALL IN!"
Family and Fire: Dreams Do Come True!
The Lord spoke to me many months ago concerning this new year, and firstly about 2018 being the year of FAMILY. I have sat on this word since then, just waiting on Him and seeking His heart. What the Lord showed me was that in 2018, FIRE is going to come upon FAMILY in a way we have never seen before.
He showed me His fire falling on individual family units and the family of God. The fire of God is coming to PURGE and IGNITE. These were the two themes that I saw happening in individual family units and in the family of God. I felt the Spirit of God whisper to me that: "2018 is going to be a year of INCREASE IN FAMILY." The increase may not look "how" you expect, but God is building within family—both individual family units and the family of God.
Some of the increase is going to come through shaking. Some of the increase is going to come through restoration. Some of the increase is going to come through promises fulfilled. Some of the increase is going to come through purging; but these processes will accomplish—in the family units and family of God in 2018—increase, intimacy and maturity.
I had a vision where I saw Jesus unraveling a banner over family units in 2018. The words written on the banner were, "Dreams Really Do Come True!"
"The fire of God's love through this revelation is going to unite, transform, mature and birth a greater LOVE and DEMONSTRATION of honor for one another in the family of God." |
Many long-awaited promises and healing of family units are going to manifest in 2018. I saw many families that have been attacked, many families that have been in the valley and many families that have been broken—and they've been believing for the promises of God without any fruit of those promises manifesting. I saw many families that have faced cycles of brokenness and pain, heartache, disappointment and lack of breakthrough or change, but then SUDDENLY meeting their tipping point moment in 2018.
"But Lord, Your endless love stretches from one eternity to the other, unbroken and unrelenting towards those who fear You and those who bow facedown in awe before You! Your faithfulness to keep every gracious promise You have made passes from parents, to children, to grandchildren and beyond." (Psalm 103:17 The Passion Translation)
Harvest and fruitfulness is coming to the family unit in 2018 unlike anything seen before. The power of God that is going to be demonstrated in the family unit in 2018 is going to leave many in awe and wonder of God and His goodness. That is why the enemy has been so relentless in going after the seeds of promise in the family unit. The seeds in family are about to spring forth and they will bear long-lasting fruit. For many, by the end of 2018, their families will be unrecognizable in the most glorious ways because of the work of His hand.
Many families have lost hope because of the onslaught in 2017 and have felt like nothing is ever going to shift. In 2018, God is going to show Himself strong in the restoration, increase and fruitfulness that will manifest. No longer will many family units feel like a dry wasteland; but by the power of His Spirit bringing transformation and healing, dry wastelands are turning to fruitful vineyards.
I prophesy over the.... (continue reading)