From the desk of Steve Shultz:
God sure likes showing up on the scene...and confirming His promises to us through signs and wonders.
You'll be in awe as you read through some of the "signs and wonders" that the Lord showed up in as Gale Sheehan shares in his article for 2018.
God surely knows how to breakthrough any storm in life that you are going through! Gale shares this about being in the eye of the storm:
The "eye" is normally completely calm, peaceful and where you can see blue skies and sunshine. Spiritually, I hear the Lord saying that in the strongest storms of your life, God will make "Doorways" of breakthrough in 2018 into the eye of the storm.
Enjoy this word and let it minister to you in any type of storm you may be going through! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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"2018: Open Doors in the Eye of a Storm"
Gale Sheehan, Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Signs of Upholding His Promises
2018, along with the Hebrew year of 5778, promises to be a year of great opportunities with the Lord in the midst of strong storms. With both timetables signifying "New Beginnings" by the number 8 there are also some other significant symbolic meanings. One centers in the Hebrew year 5778. The magnitude of God's purpose in the Hebrew calendar came to a whole new level for me in the year 5776 or 2016. I had just ministered a message on the number 6 or "vav" that year and how the "vav" had a meaning of connection as referenced in Genesis 1:1 when God "vaved" the Heavens and Earth or connected them together. One meaning of this type of connecting was "Like Lightning Bolts" from Heaven to Earth.
The very next week in 2016, a massive lightning bolt hit our home. It was described by the Fire Department and electrical contractors as the strongest they had ever seen. I took this as an amazing prophetic sign of the Lord verifying His timetable. This represented God upholding His promises of connecting our destinies with Him that year.
"He will revive things that may seem dead as He blows His resurrection life upon them. Don't give up on prophetic words that may not have happened yet but continue to persevere by decreeing what God has said." |
The Lord had previously spoken to me with many other signs and wonders in atmospheric manifestations, but this was a first for a "Lightning Bolt" event. The Lord also used the lightning strike of 5776 to be a great blessing with our insurance replacing anything that had been plugged into an electrical outlet. TVs, appliances, computers, etc., like an early Christmas. I want to highlight this event in a prelude to the significance of 5778.
Symbolic Meanings of 5778
The Lord began to speak to me that we are entering a doorway to the "fulfillment of all things" in this year of 2018. Eight: The Hebrew number/letter "Chet" pictorially looks like a doorway. This year aligns with the "3rd and final Apostolic Reformation" where the Body of Christ will begin to arise in the earth to prepare the way for Jesus to return again. As John the Baptist was a forerunner of Jesus, walking the earth as God and man, now the Church will move forward toward His second coming in power and victory. The exact time no man knows, but...(continue reading)