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January 18, 2018 "Steve Shultz: The Fool-Proof Way to Virtually Guarantee a Prosperous 2018"![]() Never before have I been this optimistic about a coming year. 2018 is going to be amazing for those who are walking with the Lord. I didn't say or mean that you must be "perfect" for 2018 to go well with you. Just that you are walking "well" with the Lord, and of course confessing when things "slip" or you just simply "sin." Make your confessions soon and often, and God will bless you. Here are my top FOUR PERSONAL "MUST-DOs" that I've tested over and over again to "taste and see" that God keeps His promises to prosper us. Do these things and a prosperous year is virtually—guaranteed. 1) "GIVE and it will be GIVEN unto you." Jesus said it, and the Lord, in the Old Testament, commanded us to TEST it. If we bring all the tithe into the storehouse... He said, "See if I don't open the windows of Heaven and pour you out such a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive it!" I HAVE tested it and it works, it works...and it WORKS! Don't neglect this one! 2) HONOR YOUR FATHER and your MOTHER. God promises that if you do this, your days will be long (long life and good health) and it will go well with you (that is called prosperity). I have tested this over and over and it works. Man oh man, it works! I was an abused child by my father. Thank God he is now in Heaven, as he gave his life to Christ. But I honor him, not from good memories but a) because I wouldn't be here without him and b) because God said to. What amazing results when I do that! 3) JUDGE NOT THAT YOU BE NOT JUDGED. This is huge. When I work on this and refuse to judge, or hold to their account, people who are irritants to me, the people who don't like me and the people who judge me...even my avid enemies...it works out to my prosperity. 4) Praise God in ALL THINGS, even when things go badly. GOD LOVES gratitude. To this day, He requires Israel to celebrate every year in gratitude for what He did when HE brought them out of Egypt. When HE cleansed 10 lepers and only 1 came back, Jesus said, "Were not 10 cleansed? Where are the other 9?" Gratitude is HUGE with God and He rewards us for gratitude. In the leper's case, he will be famous for eternity for thanking God!!! As I close, we have just entered the new year 2018. God has given us some amazing assignments for this year. And that’s where you come in. We truly do need your help to complete the tasks God has assigned us this year. Will you consider financially supporting ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES in 2018? I also wanted to mention what a HUGE help it is when our supporters pledge a monthly donation. It really keeps things running smoothly. I hope you’ll be able to do that. And thank you VERY, VERY, MUCH! Thank you in advance! Steve and Derene Shultz P.S. Remember to read ALL FOUR items above. I LIVE by these four "MUST-DOs" and God just keeps rewarding Derene and me. Sometimes, I can't believe it... MOST times, I can't believe it. I want this for you too!! If you would like to give to the ongoing work of this ministry you can donate online, or by postal mailing your donation to: ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES Thank you and God bless you! Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Elijah List Publications |

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