From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This latest word by Wayland Henderson really quickened in my spirit...more and more people are receiving great heavenly insight. There is such a revelatory outpouring happening even now and it will just keep increasing.
You will learn a great deal from Wayland's article as he shares:
Scrolls of destiny are being unlocked in the realm of God's glory, and ambassadors who carry the Word and ministry of atonement are being sent to reveal the power of His Blood and bring unity within His Body... I believe the months of February and March will be significant this year, especially the Feast of Purim, because it is a picture of the Bride receiving new access to the King in order to set His people free.
Now that's a word...I pray as you read through this article that God reveals and unfolds your "scroll of destiny" much more. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Unlocking Scrolls of Destiny - the Outpouring of His Bride Over the Nations"
Wayland Henderson, Arlington, Texas
I believe we have come to a juncture in time where individual and corporate destinies are being unfolded that will release a great harvest in the earth before the coming of the King. I believe a dream I had ten years ago holds a key. In 2008, I had a dream about a man of God who I consider to be an apostolic father to our generation. As I opened the door to my house, he walked up to me holding a sealed scroll and handed it to me like a baton. Even though I knew his name I asked him, "Who are you?" His reply was, "I'm Paul Keith Davis." (Note: I share this dream/revelation with his permission.)
At this time in my life, I knew who he was, but I did not follow him closely. In the dream, Paul Keith was older with white hair and his body was smaller and weaker. Once I came out of the dream, I looked him up and found out he was coming to a conference with Bob Jones in my region the very next week. I attended the conference and I briefly met him, yet he looked nothing like he did in the dream, as his hair was dark and his body was stronger. I knew that the significance of the dream would be found in what he represented, as well as the timing.
"...the blueprint of 'the Dove Company' is being unlocked and handed to this generation as a baton given from the apostolic fathers..." |
Fast forward to the Day of Atonement in 2013, when the Lord brings the dream back to my remembrance and says to me, "Paul Keith Davis and scrolls of destiny." I knew when the Lord spoke that to me, Biblically speaking, places in Scripture where the word "book" is used can also translate as "scroll". Immediately with anticipation, I Googled the phrase... (continue reading)