From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This word by Katie Souza is profound...and I mean profound! She goes places that many are unsettled to go to...and goes right to the "soul" of the matter.
Our souls are a very important part of our being that many don't often talk in-depth about...but in Katie's word you will get deep insight into how important our souls are, how they affect us, and how vital it is that they get healed up!
At our recent Elijah List conference, Kat Kerr even shared how important it is for our souls to be healed and the Lord showed her our souls are like a book with a spine with multiple pages, which have many layers. (You can order our Elijah List conference set at the bottom of this page.)
Katie Souza is "the real deal" and does NOT hold back in her article here. She shares from her own wounded past and how God healed her soul. God has so much He wants to release to us this year and beyond...AND we need to get our souls healed!
Be blessed, be encouraged and let's get our souls free from any wounds from the past! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"It's All About the Soul – Have Nothing in Common with Satan"
Katie Souza, Maricopa, AZ
Lesson 1: It's All About the Soul
The glory light (dunamis) is a supernatural tool that will cause accelerated healing of the soul. The goal of this blog is to enable you readers to get your souls healed by understanding how God uses dreams and visions in the process!
God, in His sovereignty and mercy, healed me of Lupus in spite of my lack of understanding. One day, as I was sitting on my bed I asked, "What's going on, God? What is this Lupus thing all about?" He said one word, "Hezekiah." Hezekiah was the king who had gotten sick and was going to die; but God, in His sovereignty, healed Hezekiah and extended his life when he turned his face towards the wall. When the Lord spoke that one word to me, "Hezekiah," I was instantly healed of Lupus!
I love when God comes in and sovereignly does something super-cool like that! When I am totally clueless, overcomed and overwhelmed, when I have no idea what to do about it, God comes in anyway! He takes His big Papa-Daddy hand and smashes the problem; He dissolves it and completely wipes it out. But, I also love being able to receive revelation – deep, detailed revelation, wisdom and understanding that cause me to be part of the miracle.
God uses dreams and visions to give insight so that we can be positioned to become part of the miracle. It's how He leads us. It is a road map. It's a guidance system. This insight allows us to bring the things of the invisible Kingdom of Heaven here to Earth and to see them manifest in signs and wonders.
"A soul wound is a monument inside our soul that causes us to be perpetually affected by events that happened years ago. It's a tomb with a dead body in it, living inside our soul." |
It is important for our soul to be completely healed because our soul is connected to everything in our life; to our relationships with our spouse, children, friends, church, and co-workers. It is connected to our level of peace and contentment, our finances and to our physical healing. We have been harassed in our minds and emotions; we have been waiting for a breakthrough in our finances and physical bodies. When our souls are healed, our dominion is going to shift and we will go... (continue reading)