From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I thought this was an excellent and well thought out word for this new year from Kevin Basconi.
In his latest article, Kevin writes about the importance of intercession for our nation, Israel and the nations of the earth. Praying for the nations and even fasting, are always a good start to kick-off a new year...and I know many churches and ministries are praying and fasting even now.
Kevin writes about this and much more as God is calling us higher, increasing our discernment and giving us His heavenly perspectives, as he opens with this wow word:
As we move into 2018, the Lord has been speaking to me about the importance of entertaining Heaven. It is a season for each of us to pray for the nation of America and for the peace of Jerusalem like never before. America has come to a chronological crossroads in the spiritual dimensions or the heavenly places. The prayers of the saints are more important at this hour (for America and Israel) than perhaps at any previous moment of history. There is no room for politics in the Body of Christ today. We need to lay down our personal agendas and pick up the Cross of Christ and the agenda of Heaven in our lives and ministries.
Kevin also includes a prayer of impartation for more spiritual discernment...I encourage you to read through his word, use it as a prayer guide and ask the Lord for an increase into His heavenly perspectives this year! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"An Increase in Heavenly Perspectives, Spiritual Discernment and Intercession in 2018"
Kevin Basconi, Moravian Falls, NC
As we move into 2018, the Lord has been speaking to me about the importance of entertaining Heaven. It is a season for each of us to pray for the nation of America and for the peace of Jerusalem like never before. America has come to a chronological crossroads in the spiritual dimensions or the heavenly places. The prayers of the saints are more important at this hour (for America and Israel) than perhaps at any previous moment of history. There is no room for politics in the Body of Christ today. We need to lay down our personal agendas and pick up the Cross of Christ and the agenda of Heaven in our lives and ministries.
This article is designed to help you learn to pray from the heart of Heaven. Pray with the heart of the God as the Holy Spirit leads you. I want to encourage you to pray and intercede like never before for America or for whatever nation you are in. We have come to a God-ordained season in which we can be empowered to entertain Heaven.
"You don't necessarily have to go up to access Heaven because Heaven is all around you right now! You can live under an open Heaven, but first you must learn to discern an open Heaven." |
Do you want to be filled with the divinity or nature of Elohim (God)? You see, when we become filled with the nature of God (this is available for you in 2018) your prayers are empowered. When you become filled with the nature of God you begin to have the spiritual discernment that we see in 1 Corinthians 2, verse 9, activated in our lives: "But as it is written: 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.'"
That's what Jesus did. Jesus had a different concept about life and about ministry. Jesus did not look at circumstances the way we look at circumstances. They came to Jesus and said, "Lord, Your taxes are due." Jesus thought, "Ah! This is an opportunity for My God and Father to do something amazing!" He told them, "Go fishing. And the first fish you catch will have enough money in its mouth to pay the taxes" (see Matthew 17:27). Does that make sense in the natural? No! It is a supernatural exchange. Jesus entertained Heaven, and here comes good news for you... (continue reading)