From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I sure appreciate what Sandie Freed shares in her latest article for 2018...and it's about one of my most favorite messages to teach about: GRACE!
The title itself speaks volumes: "God's Grace Will Chase You Down in 2018!" I like that...and I'm sure you will too!
Sandie shares this awesome prophetic word:
Jesus Christ desires to open every prison door that has held you captive. Allow 2018 to be your new beginning of right believing! Allow God's grace to not only empower you to change, but run to the person, Grace, today. He awaits you. He desires to answer you. Don't allow the shame and condemnation of your past to hold you captive any longer.
I don't care how much you think you've messed up or even if you've already messed up in this new year...let me say this to you: Let God's GRACE chase you down! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"God's Grace Will Chase You Down in 2018!"
Dr. Sandie Freed, Bedford, TX
A few days before New Year's Day, I heard the Lord challenge me to "expect more in 2018!" I immediately became excited as I thought: "Well, sure...I need to expect more—more breakthrough, more finances, more favor...more of whatever I might possibly need!" I began to make a mental note of all I needed to do to keep my expectations high. I concluded that more time in Bible study, quoting more Scripture passages, and making godly decrees would be a jump start into breakthrough.
After a few minutes of brain-storming, the Holy Spirit inserted something profound. He said, "Sandie, this will not happen because of what YOU do. This will all happen because My grace will chase you down in 2018." Now, I have heard spiritual leaders refer to God's grace overtaking us—but this was the first time God actually said it to ME! It was almost like His audible voice speaking loudly and clearly.
Then I had an a-ha moment. I remembered the numerous times I had heard Believers sadly confess, "... surely there's more to living the blessed life. I have tried everything I know to do and I can't seem to experience the needed breakthroughs!" (Notice all of times the word "I" was used?) I knew immediately to what they were referring—we should ALL be experiencing the fulfillment of so many of our promises from God! But, now I was beginning to see breakthrough a little differently.
It would occur not because we are working hard to achieve it, but also by simply... (continue reading)