From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Steve Porter knows how to draw near to the Lord and enter quickly into the secret place. Wade Taylor was our spiritual father and I know Steve misses him too!
We've heard from some prophetic voices that have said God is taking us deeper than we ever have been before...revealing His secrets as we spend intimate fellowship with Him.
Yes, it's always good to spend time with the Lord and it's not only for communion's sake but to learn the secrets of His heart...for divine strategies, great wisdom, and even how to disciple nations. There are so many great benefits in spending time with Him.
Steve Porter shares here:
Today the Lord is preparing a company of forerunners who know how to pray and intercede; they shake Heaven and Earth with continuous deep intercession. You will find them lying on the floor in deep groaning for many hours, weeping for the lost. You will find them birthing with travail the next great awakening.
Now that's a very good reason to spend extra time with Him...yes!
Enjoy as you go deeper than ever! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Year of the Deep and the Next Great Awakening"
Steve Porter, Rochester, NY
"Deep calls unto deep at the noise of your waterfalls: all Your waves and Your billows are gone over me." (Psalm 42:7)
In my spirit I hear the wooing of the Lord tenderly calling to His treasured Bride in 2018. The deep things inside Him are stirring the deep things inside us. All over the world we see this holy cry for more of Him. He's stirring in us an urgency to run after Him with all that is in us because time is short, and the wise virgins of Matthew 25 must have their lamps filled with oil and be ready for His soon return to establish His Kingdom.
"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for You, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?" (Psalm 42:1). This Scripture expresses the unquenchable thirst we have for God, which can be filled by nothing else.
"The Lord is waiting with great anticipation for you to enter this special place where you will enjoy greater intimacy in 2018." |
Right now, the lukewarm, apathetic spirit of Laodicea is doing its best to blind the eyes of the Body of Christ, while the Lord is busy preparing a pure and beautiful Bride for His Son. The Bride is "buying gold tried by fire"—His divine nature. In His presence our nature is transformed so that we become the radiant Bride that shines with the very glory of our God.
Many within the Church are experiencing an inner restlessness placed there by the Lord, which creates in them a yearning for more of God than they've ever experienced before. You'll find this deeper cry echoing from every corner of the earth, where the Lord is stirring up His Bride; filling her with deeper passion than she's ever known. She's yearning—longing for the living God—and nothing and no one else can satisfy that longing.
The Lord says in 2018, "I am placing a yearning inside of you for only the living God; dead religion will no longer satisfy you, nor will worshipping Me from a distance quench your thirst for more of Me. I am awakening within you a yearning for Me only, and I will certainly fill you up if you only ask."
In fact, I can hear a cry over the waters, where deep is calling unto deep, wooing us into His presence. I sense that this deep cry has three distinct functions, each prophetic in nature, that will be very pivotal in 2018... (continue reading)