From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Chuck Pierce is one of my most favorite he is so full of heavenly revelation. He is a current day Issachar Prophet who understands the times and seasons we are in.
I was looking forward to what Chuck had to share for the new year...which you'll read about some below. PLUS he also includes the first 8 days of a prayer focus which he encourages you to jump in whenever you receive this and follow along.
Chuck begins with this excerpt:
We are living in one of the most incredible and historic junctures in the history of mankind. I say that with complete confidence and, I believe, accuracy. The Lord has determined the place and the time that we live (Acts 17: 24-28). In Him, we live and move and have our being. Faith works in time and place. You are in a certain time and a certain place so you can grab a hold of Him and gain purpose in your life. He knew you before the foundation of the earth. He sees your destiny through the Blood of His Son. He doesn't see you through your faults, shortcomings or mistakes. He sees you as you were meant to be. How you respond to Him, by faith, is how you become, and then overcome in a changing world.
Wow...just that one paragraph speaks a great depth!
I encourage you to read through Chuck's word and prayer will really help your spirit man in this new season! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Year to Break Captivity and Come into a New Identity! Plus, a Prayer Focus Begins!"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
Dear Focused Ones:
We are living in one of the most incredible and historic junctures in the history of mankind. I say that with complete confidence and, I believe, accuracy. The Lord has determined the place and the time that we live (Acts 17:24-28). In Him, we live and move and have our being. Faith works in time and place. You are in a certain time and a certain place so you can grab ahold of Him and gain purpose in your life. He knew you before the foundation of the earth. He sees your destiny through the Blood of His Son. He doesn't see you through your faults, shortcomings or mistakes. He sees you as you were meant to be. How you respond to Him, by faith, is how you become, and then overcome in a changing world.
Doors, Gates, Angels, Wealth and War
We are living in the Hebraic year 5778 (5000 + 700 + 70 + 8). You can find a better understanding of the season we are living in by looking at the Hebraic understanding of the number 70. Seventy means that your bloodline has completed a generational life cycle. This number is also linked with breaking out of captivity. This means you have endured being who you are, but now you will finish that season strong and enter into how you will represent Him and who you will become. The captivity in your bloodline that has held you from expressing the fullness of who He made you to be, is broken.
In this year of eight (8), 5778 or 2018, we must remember...(continue reading)