From the desk of Steve Shultz:
So many of us have faced injustices...whether it's an injustice in the here and now, or the injustice of someone who has died before their time.
Doug Addison offers great hope in this latest message as he had an extraordinary encounter where the Lord showed him about repayment coming for injustices in many ways:
The Lord said, "I am going to reveal the injustices of the land and I will not allow those who have suffered unjustly to go unnoticed. My repayment is here and it will come to you in many ways."
None of us know all the ways of the Lord...yet know this: He is pouring out JUSTICE in this day for not only us...but for those who have gone before their time.
I hope this word encourages you in this you hear about Heaven's agenda and timetable. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Let the Days of Justice and Repayment Begin!"
Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA
This is a time that your spiritual inheritance, which is the calling you have had from God, is now going to come. Those who have been seeking the greater callings upon their lives are going to suddenly be awakened to them.
The Wind of Change is blowing on all areas of our lives. This is why we are seeing so many injustices being revealed right now. The books are being balanced in Heaven and God is repaying not just losses, but also injustices that have come against you.
"Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants." (Matthew 18:23 NIV)
God is settling the books in Heaven by examining where the enemy has over-attacked you personally and also the world. Because of this, injustices are being exposed very quickly right now. The Lord is moving from Heaven upon the injustices that have come against you and we are going to see a shift in the spiritual atmosphere as a result.
Unless a Seed Falls to the Ground and Dies...
There have been such great injustices that many people have died before their time. God reminded me of an encounter I had last year. This was part of my 50 days of heavenly encounters.
My encounter: On May 11, 2017, I was taken to John 12:24 in my Bible. As I read it, I began to have interactive visions that I cannot describe any other way except the Word came alive.
Jesus said to me out of Scripture, "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." (John 12:24) (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
The Lord was not just speaking to me personally, but this was also to those of you reading this. This is a personal encounter for you with the Lord.
Jesus said, "You have died spiritually and allowed the things that are not of Me to fall away. Because of this, you are now going to produce many seeds in My Kingdom. You have not loved your life and were willing to lose it for My sake. My Father will honor the one who serves Me in this way."
As Jesus was telling me these things, I suddenly understood John 12:24. Some people on Earth have to die at a certain time so that their seeds will produce many more seeds. Then I saw those who had died before their time.
Many people on Earth who knew and loved those who died did not understand their death, and blamed God. The ones who had died were giving testimonies that their seeds or callings and gifts had to die and fall to the ground to produce more seeds. Even Jesus had to die so we could receive gifts from the Lord.
Then those who had died before their time all began to testify that the Lord's time is the only time. An angel said, "On Earth these things do not make sense, but in Heaven everything is in time and has a greater purpose."
Then I saw visions of... (continue reading)