Dear Walid, Thank you for your inquiry. Thank you for your interest in American University. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please return e-mail with all the requested information. 1. Your full name (first or personal name, then last or family surname, as it would appear on your application). 2. Your full postal mailing address. 3. Your country of citizenship. 4. Your date of birth. 5. The academic program in which you are interested. (Please visit our Degrees Web page for a listing of our available majors, http://www.american.edu/degrees.cfm?degree=major.) 6. Whether you are a freshman (you have not attended a university) or transfer (you have not completed your studies at a university) applicant. 7. Year and Semester (Spring or Fall) to which you want to apply. Please return e-mail to: admissions@american.edu. Or you can set up your personal AU Web Portal to register for a Campus Visit, contact your regional Admissions representative, take a look at our on-line application (and, later on, check your application status) by visiting our Prospective Student Portal at http://www.american.edu/admissions/prospective_student_portal.cfm If you have any further questions please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, Ellen Dunlavey